StuG III late version Stug 40 ausf F and G | World War Photos
StuG 40 ausf F, F/8 and G (Sd.Kfz 142/1) was version with longer 7.5 cm StuK 40 L/43 or 7.5 cm StuK 40 L/48 gun. Since March 1942 a self-propelled gun Stug III
Sturmgeschütz III - Wikipedia
The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) was an assault gun produced by Germany during World War II. It was the most-produced German fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle , [ 4 ] and second-most produced German armored combat vehicle of any type after the Sd.Kfz. 251 half-track .
Sturmgeschütz 40 - WW2 Weapons
StuG 40 Ausf G Type: Assault gun. The German Sturmgeschütz 40, often abbreviated as StuG III, was one of the most important armored fighting vehicles used by Germany during World War II. It was an assault gun built on the chassis of the Panzer IV tank, designed to provide infantry support and engage enemy armor. Overview
Gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette für 7.5 cm ... - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年12月17日 · Sometime in May 1940 (or even earlier), this gun would be installed on a modified Panzer III Ausf.F chassis that received a completely redesigned mild steel StuG III superstructure. Given the large 7.5 cm rounds used, it was necessary to greatly extend the superstructure size.
StuG III Ausf. F - onwar.com
Specifications and four-view profile of German StuG. III Ausf. F assualt gun.
Sturmgeschütz 40 - Weltkrieg2
Das deutsche Sturmgeschütz 40, oft als StuG III abgekürzt, war eines der wichtigsten gepanzerten Kampffahrzeuge, die von Deutschland während des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingesetzt wurden. Es war ein auf dem Fahrgestell des Panzers IV aufgebautes Sturmgeschütz, das zur Unterstützung der Infanterie und zur Bekämpfung feindlicher Panzer konzipiert war.
Stug III 7.5cm | Artillery | Weapons & Technology - German War …
The StuG 40 Ausf F that appeared early in 1942 was a development with a cooling fan in the fighting compartment and the more potent 7.5cm Sturmkanone 40 L/43 assault gun development of the KwK 50 tank gun with 54 rounds, while the StuG 40 Ausf F/8 had the longer L/48 version of …
StuG 40 part 2 - World War Photos
German assault gun and tank destroyer Sturmgeschütz III (Sd.Kfz. 142).
StuGIII自行突击炮_坦克_装备_制造 - 搜狐
2023年11月20日 · StuGIII自行突击炮,是德国在二战时期使用的一种无炮塔式,以火力支援为主要目的的自行火炮,但在许多情况下充任了坦克歼击者的角色。 在III型坦克的底盘上德国研制了这种自行突击炮,于1940年通过试验被定型。 StuGIII A型在同年开始正式投入生产,首次出现在1940年后期的法国战场,表现很出色。 StuG III参加了法国战役,入侵苏联,北非战役以及诺曼底战役。 德军国防军和党卫队很多精锐装甲部队都装备有StuG III型自行突击炮。 StuG III是 德 …
StuGIII自行突击炮 - 百度百科
突击炮是作为一种进攻武器开发的(突击炮assault gun也可译作冲锋炮),但后来常被用于防御任务。晚期型号--Stug III (40)也装备了不同的猎坦克营(坦克歼击营)。1944年的时候,它常被用来代替Pzkpfw III, Pzkpfw IV, 甚至Pzkpfw V(豹式)装备坦克营。