StuH 42 G | War Thunder Wiki
The StuH 42 G (German armoury designation: Sd.Kfz. 142/2) is a German tank destroyer. It was introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory". While the StuH 42 bears much resemblance to the StuG III G, its playstyle is much, much different. While later StuGs (Ausf.
StuH 42 G - War Thunder Wiki
G (German armoury designation: Sd.Kfz. 142/2) is a rank II German tank destroyer with a battle rating of 3.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory". While the StuH 42 bears much resemblance to the StuG III G, its playstyle is …
Sturmgeschütz III - Wikipedia
The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) was an assault gun produced by Germany during World War II. It was the most-produced German fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle, [4] and second-most produced German armored combat vehicle of any type after the Sd.Kfz. 251 half-track.
Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.G - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年12月1日 · The Stürmgeschutz III, better known as the StuG III, was the workhorse of the German army, serving both for infantry support and tank hunting.
Sturmhaubitze 42 (1942)
The Sturmhaubitze 42 or "StuH 42" was a self-propelled gun developed in Germany during World War II and based on the StuG III F/8 and later the Ausf G. This was a conversion to the G L/28 howitzer to serve as versatile support vehicle, in service by 1942 (Leningrad) and from 1943 notably at Kursk and Kharkov. In 1942, the StuG III Ausf.
Rare WW2 StuH 42 - Sturmhaubitze 42 Early - Late footage
The StuH 42 was developed in 1942, as a variant of the StuG III Ausf.F with a 105 mm howitzer under the ordnance name Sturmhaubitze 42, Sd.Kfz.142/2. It was a late reversion to the close infantry...
StuH 42 | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The StuH 42, SdKfz 142/2, or Sturmhaubitze 42 was a self-propelled gun that was used by Germany during World War II. Only about 1,300 StuH 42s were produced and were based on the StuG III F/8 and G models. It had a Maybach HL 120 engine that was capable of propelling it at speeds of up to 40 km...
StuH 42 SdKfz 142/2 | World War Photos
Compared to the StuG III, the StuH 42 could deliver a much larger quantity of high explosives to the target with its cannon. The 10.5-cm field howitzer grenade weighed 15.55 kg (1.4 to 1.75 kg of explosives), while the 7.5-cm Sprenggranate 40 weighed only 5.74 kg (0.68 kg of explosives).
二战装甲战斗车辆 之 德国Ⅲ号105毫米突击榴弹炮 - 搜狐
2018年3月31日 · Ⅲ号105毫米突击榴弹炮(德语:Sturmhaubitze 42, StuH 42)是第二次世界大战时,德国所开发并投入使用的一款突击炮。 它以三号突击炮的各型号为基础,改造车体以搭载口径更大的LeFH 18榴弹炮。 辛斯海姆汽车技术博物馆展示车辆. 以三号突击炮G型改造而成的型号 (索迷尔战车博物馆) 1941年中期,德国的陆军兵器局第六课,规划以三号突击炮为基础,研究攻击碉堡等坚固的防御工事为目标的新型车辆。 车体设计由戴姆勒·奔驰负责,炮架的设计则由莱 …
Any tips for the Stuh 42G? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2020年5月31日 · It's armor is pretty hot. Grind out the HEAT ammo because while the APHE has shitloads of explosive filler, you won't be penetrating much with it. It can bounce a decent amount of shots stock, but once you get the add-on armor with the …