Sturmgeschütz III - Wikipedia
The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) was an assault gun produced by Germany during World War II. It was the most-produced German fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle , [ 4 ] and second-most produced German armored combat vehicle of any type after the Sd.Kfz. 251 half-track .
Gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette für 7.5 cm ... - Tank Encyclopedia
2023年3月11日 · The StuG III Ausf.F/8, like its predecessor, was powered by a twelve-cylinder, water-cooled Maybach HL 120 TRM engine providing 265 hp @ 2,600 rpm. Its overall drive performance remained basically the same, with a maximum speed of 40 km/h and a range of 160 km (on good roads).
AMPS Reviews - Takom- StuG III Ausf.F/8 Late Production - Armor ...
2023年7月26日 · Beginning in June 1942 the Ausf.F was up-gunned to the the longer (by 334mm) and hence higher velocity 7.5cm StuK 40 L/48 gun. This gun was capable of penetrating 96mm of armor at combat ranges enabling the Ausf.F to take on the Russian T38/85 and the KV-1 with a reasonable chance of success.
Updated info on Takom's StuG III Ausf.F.8 in Early & Late versions …
2023年4月3日 · The StuG III Ausf.F8 Early from Takom (k it No 8013) features the link and length tracks that we are used to with Takom's Blitz kit range. The CADs show that the MG that is there for self-protection can either be laid flat with the Mg-34 off, or installed and ready to fire.
Gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette für Sturmgeschütz 7.5 cm Kanone …
2022年8月20日 · The StuG III, while not intended to engage enemy armor, could easily defeat Soviet light tanks thanks to their armor-piercing rounds that could penetrate some 34 mm of armor at 1 km. Besides seriously underestimating the enemy’s combat strength and resolve, the German intelligence office also failed to pick up on the new Soviet tank designs ...
低调的支援者和猎手,德国三号突击炮系列简介及图览 - 哔哩哔哩
三号突击炮(Sturmgeschütz III)是二战中德国以三号坦克底盘为基础改造的一款自行火炮,早期的三号突击炮仅仅是三号坦克的简单衍生品。 1940年1月,第一个正式生产版本问世,同年三月被定名为Sturmgeschütz,字面意思为突击炮,是一种用于进攻时为步兵提供近距离炮击、反坦克支援的装甲战斗车辆。 这个概念最早是由曼斯坦因提出的,他认为德国的进攻部队应当拥有可以跟随步兵发起进攻,有一定装甲和反工事能力的自行火炮以进行近距离的火力支援——这种简单便 …
三号突击炮 - 百度百科
德军在整个 第二次世界大战 期间一共有大约9500辆StuG III型系列自行突击炮参战,该种突击炮结构简单,机动性较好,有一定 防护力 ,自身车身低矮不易被击中,而且造价低廉,只有 四号坦克 的一半左右,而火力和防护性又基本一样。是二战中德军装备的一种 ...
Takom "Blitz" StuG III Ausf.F8 Early Production
2023年8月30日 · Takom has continued their Blitz series of kits with the StuG III Ausf. F8 Early Production in 1:35th scale. The Blitz line features a comparatively low parts count, high detail, and quicker assembly.
StuG.III Ausf.F/8, Dragon 6644 (2010) - Scalemates
StuG III F/8 11th Luftwaffen Felddivision Panzer-jager Abt. in Italy and Greece, 1943
StuG III Ausf F/8 - HistoryOfWar.org
The Sturmgeschütz III Ausf F/8 was the second version of the StuG III to carry the longer 7.5cm StuK40 L/48 gun, and differed from the Ausf F in the use of the hull from the Panzer III Ausf J (also known as the 8.Serie ZW). All earlier models of the StuG has used the same form of hull as the original Ausf A.