BK 3,7 - Wikipedia
The Bordkanone 3,7 (BK 3,7) ("on-board cannon 3.7") was a German 3.7 cm (1.46 in) anti-tank /bomber autocannon of World War II and based on the earlier 3.7 cm (1.46 in) 3.7 cm Flak 18 …
Junkers Ju 87 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 87, popularly known as the "Stuka", [b] is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its …
Tank-Busting Stuka: The Ju 87G “Kanonenvogel”
2025年3月22日 · A 37mm gun was hung under each wing in a specially constructed pod. The gun pods were bulky and clumsy looking (each pod weighed 600 pounds), but they did turn the …
Ju 87G Tank Buster - WW2 Weapons
This 37-mm-gun was a formidable weapon weighting over 363 kg (800 lb) and in wide service as ground-based Flak (anti-aircraft artillery) equipment. In June 1942 a trial installation was …
3.7 cm Flak 18/36/37 - Wikipedia
The original 37 mm gun was developed by Rheinmetall in 1935 as the 3.7 cm Flak 18. The cannon had an overall length of 89 calibers (hence the additional designation L/89), which …
Stuka - WW2 Weapons
– Ju 87G: Tank-killer variant equipped with twin 37mm cannons, piloted effectively by Hans-Ulrich Rudel. Legacy. The Stuka became one of the most recognizable aircraft of World War II, partly …
Ju 87俯衝轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ju 87俯衝轟炸機(德語: Junkers Ju 87 )是第二次世界大戰 納粹德國空軍投入使用的一種俯衝轟炸機,一般通稱「斯圖卡」( Stuka ),取自俯衝轟炸機的德文寫法「Sturzkampfflugzeug …
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Dive Bomber — Nazi Terror Weapon
2024年2月24日 · Few aircraft in history were able to cause such terror — to both seasoned troops and helpless civilians alike — as the German-made Junkers Ju 87 dive-bomber. Known …
Ju 87 G - Nevington War Museum
The two 37 mm (1.46 in) cannons were mounted in under-wing gun pods, each loaded with a six-round magazine of armour-piercing tungsten carbide ammunition. With these weapons, the …
The Ju 87 Stuka: Hitler’s Screaming Terror in the Skies Above Europe
1 天前 · The Stuka was as much a psychological warfare weapon as it was an actual weapon of war. Before hostilities fully commenced, ... Equipped with 37mm anti-tank cannons, ...