Stridsvagn 103 - Wikipedia
Strv" is the Swedish military abbreviation of stridsvagn, Swedish for tank (literally combat wagon, it also is the Swedish word for chariot), while the 103 comes from being the third tank in …
Stridsvagn 122 - Wikipedia
Stridsvagn 122 (strv 122, IPA: [ˈstrɪ̂tːsvaŋn] ⓘ) [a] is a Swedish main battle tank that, like the German Leopard 2A5, is based on the German Leopard 2 Improved variant using such newer …
Tanks of Sweden - Wikipedia
The Stridsvagn 74 was a tank in use with the Swedish Army from 1958 to 1984. It was a modification of the older Stridsvagn m/42, which was phased out of service in the early 1950s. …
瑞典STRV-122主战坦克 - 百度百科
Strv-122是豹二系列中最精密复杂、防护能力最雄厚的版本,与法国勒克莱尔并列为全球最精密的主战坦克。 瑞典陆军曾宣称,现役任何反装甲武器-包括120mm坦克炮以及攻顶反坦克武器 …
Stridsvagn m/41 (1942) - tank-afv.com
The Strv m/41 S-II mainly equipped the P4 regiment’s 2nd Tank Battalion, included with the 9th Armored Brigade in Skövde, while others were held as reserve at P2 and P3 regiments. These …
Strv M/21 and M/29 Light Tanks – Army Tanks
2019年2月17日 · The Strv M/21 light tank was a Swedish tank that was designed by Joseph Vollmer, a German engineer who moved to Sweden after World War I. Vollmer had previously …
Stridsvagn m/21-29 - tank-afv.com
The cavalry tank LK I, devised in mid-1918 by Joseph Vollmer, was based on a Daimler car chassis and never left the prototype stage. It was followed by a more powerful LK II, equipped …
Strv K — Tier X European heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Drive behind slow tank destoyers and heavy tanks and keep circling around them to avoid being hit while making easy shots into the back of the enemy. Good traverse speed and acceleration …
Slovenská armáda si prevzala prvý tank Leopard 2 - Správy STVR
2022年12月19日 · Slovenské ozbrojené sily prevzali prvý tank Leopard 2. Ťažkú mechanizovanú brigádu našej armády tvorí aktuálne 30 starších tankov T 72. Nemecko Slovensku postupne …
Stridsvagn 103 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Stridsvagn 103, también conocido como el S-tank, se desarrolló desde 1958 bajo el liderazgo de los diseños y fundamentos de construcción básicos dados por los ingenieros de la firma de …
Landsverk L-10 - Wikipedia
Landsverk L-10 (Swedish Army designation: stridsvagn m/31, abbr. strv m/31, "tank model-1931") was a Swedish late interwar era medium tank constructed by AB Landsverk for the Swedish …
The Russians Just Knocked Out 1/5 Of The Ukrainians’ Strv 122 Tanks
2023年9月23日 · Explosives-laden Russian drones damaged two rare Strv 122 tanks belonging to the Ukrainian army’s 21st Mechanized Brigade, 10 miles west of Svatove in eastern Ukraine’s …
Ukraine’s New Strv 122 Tanks Are Crawling Toward The Front Line - Forbes
2023年7月13日 · At least six of the 62-ton Stridsvagn 122s—Swedish variants of the German-made Leopard 2A5—are visible in a video that circulated online on Wednesday. Observers …
Strv M/40, M/41 and M/42 Light Tanks - Army Tanks
2019年2月17日 · The Strv M/40 light tank was the first Swedish tank to be mass-produced. Its design was based on that of the Strv L/60 light tank. The Strv M/40 was a three-man tank, with …
Strv 74 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Strv 74 is an all-round good tier VI tank, with good mobility comparable to an M48A5 Patton, fantastic gun depression, as well as fantastic aim time and gun dispersion values. It does have …
Stridsvagn m/42 - Wikipedia
Stridsvagn m/42 (Strv m/42) was a Swedish medium tank in service in the World War II period. Known by its manufacturer AB Landsverk as Lago II-III-IV, it fielded a 75 mm L/31 gun, the …
Strv 74A2 — Tier VI medium tank of Hybrid nation - Blitz Hangar
Average HP, Good DPM, Penetration 135, Damage 160, Reload time 11.52 (Auto-loader), Precise, Small, Good view range. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
Strv 103B is a Tier X Swedish tank destroyer with AP weaponry and high DPM. See its stats, modules, crew, camo, and more on tanks.gg.
Rezort obrany plánuje nákup viac ako stovky nemeckých tankov - Správy STVR
2024年12月4日 · Ministerstvo obrany plánuje nakúpiť 104 kusov moderných nemeckých tankov Leopard 2A8 za približne jeden a pol miliardy eur. Opozícia drahý nákup v čase konsolidácie …
V Nemecku sa tank zrazil s terénnym vozidlom, hlásia dve obete
2021年12月7日 · Dvaja príslušníci nemeckých ozbrojených síl zahynuli v utorok (7. 12.) pri nehode vo vojenskom výcvikovom priestore Bergen v spolkovej krajine Dolné Sasko na …