Maritime coastal surveillance system, sea radar | STYRIS®
STYRIS® is a system that facilitates the integration of a wide range of sensors (cameras, radars, AIS, weather sensors, RDF, …). By fusing data from these sensors, STYRIS® generates a real-time, recognised maritime picture .
Maritime | Security - Airbus
We monitor more than 50% of the maritime trade through our Styris maritime surveillance system and are a world leader in satellite imagery. We provide, operate and maintain resilient and rapidly deployable connectivity solutions, enabling our customers to …
Improving Coastal Surveillance Missions with STYRIS® - Airbus
STYRIS® is an end-to-end coastal surveillance system, combining a variety of sensors, such as radar, weather, AIS and VHF, to collect data and a responsive software interface that provides a comprehensive situational view on what is happening within a …
Maritime surveillance: How Airbus keeps our oceans safe
For more than 20 years, the French Navy has been closely collaborating with Airbus on its maritime surveillance missions. At the core stands SPATIONAV, a digital coastal surveillance system that provides the French authorities (Navy, coast guards and customs) with a detailed picture of what is happening at sea.
Largest harbours in the world rely on Airbus for Vessel Traffic ...
Airbus has completed the upgrade of the Port of Sydney VTS (Vessel Traffic Services), through its maritime product family STYRIS®. Airbus’ maritime security and safety solution ensures the complete traffic monitoring of Sydney Habour and Port Botany, both managed by the Port Authority of New South Wales (Port Authority).
STYRIS® - Airbus Masters Maritime Safety and Security
2019年4月9日 · Visit https://www.airbus.com/styris.html to learn more about STYRIS® – Airbus’ leading maritime safety and security solution.
Airbus : Une offre globale pour la surveillance maritime
2018年10月25日 · Au travers de sa gamme STYRIS, destinée à des clients civils et militaires, il propose des VTS (Vessel Traffic Service), permettant de suivre le trafic dans les ports et les grands axes maritimes côtiers, comme les détroits, grâce à la superposition de différents renseignements provenant par exemple de radars, de caméras de surveillance ...
Airbus’ STYRIS, Vessel Traffic Services upgrades the Port of …
Airbus has completed the upgrade of the Port of Sydney VTS (Vessel Traffic Services), through its maritime product family STYRIS®. Airbus’ maritime security and safety solution ensures the complete traffic monitoring of Sydney Habour and Port Botany, both managed by the Port Authority of New South Wales (Port Authority).
2021年12月18日 · Airbus has developed STYRIS to help enforce border integrity. “The product is dedicated to maritime surveillance and traffic monitoring, aimed at improving the safety of navigation as well as enhancing global security of the maritime domain.
The Many Challenges of Coastal Surveillance | Transport Security ...
2023年6月27日 · Airbus’s says their Styris product is dedicated to maritime surveillance and traffic monitoring, aimed at improving maritime situational awareness and enhancing security at sea. Airbus image. As well, the operators who control these solutions must be constantly retrained to keep their skills current and useful.