Sukhoi Su-25 - Wikipedia
The Sukhoi Su-25 Grach (Russian: Грач (rook); NATO reporting name: Frogfoot) is a subsonic, single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by Sukhoi. It was designed to provide close air support for Soviet Ground Forces. The first prototype made its maiden flight on 22 February 1975.
List of Sukhoi Su-25 operators - Wikipedia
As of 2004, the Ukrainian Air Force operated approximately 60 Su-25s, Su-25UBs and Su-25UTGs, with the 299th Independent Assault Regiment (299 OShAP) based at Kulbakino Air Base, Mykolaiv Oblast, and the 456th Assault Regiment (456 ShAP) at Chortkiv Air Base.
Meet Russia's A-10: The Sukhoi Su-25 - Popular Mechanics
Dec 14, 2016 · Modern Su-25s have an impressive array of countermeasures included a missile approach warning system, chaff and flare launchers, and an infrared jammer to confuse enemy missiles.
Su-25攻擊機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
蘇愷-25 「烏鴉」(俄語: Су-25 «Грач», 北約代號 蛙足 (Frogfoot) [2])是一款前 蘇聯 蘇霍伊設計局 研製的 亞音速 空中密接支援 攻擊機。 除了是前蘇聯主力的攻擊機種之一外,也在 蘇聯解體 後的 獨立國協 國家持續服役,並有若干外銷版本。 Su-25構型簡單且非常實用,戰場生存性佳,在其多種不同的衍生版本之中,經過導航/攻擊系統強化的Su-25TM,又常稱為 Su-39。 攝於約1987年,Su-25攻擊機早期試飛時的照片。 攝於1989年,Su-25攻擊機展出於 巴黎航展。 …
Su-25 (Su-28) Frogfoot Close-Support Aircraft - Airforce Technology
Jul 1, 2021 · The Su-25 is designed to defeat small mobile and stationary ground targets and to engage low-speed air targets at the forward edge and in the nearest tactical and operational …
Sukhoi Su-25 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Sukhoi Su-25 (NATO reporting name: "Frogfoot") is a single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It was designed to provide close air support for the Soviet Ground Forces. The first prototype made its …
How Does the Russian Su 25 Compare to the A-10 Warthog?
Jan 21, 2022 · Since its debut during the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s, the Su-25 has seen service in every conflict involving Soviet or Russian forces, from Chechnya to Georgia to Syria. Observers have often...
战机科普:苏25 - 哔哩哔哩
苏-25(俄语:Су-25)是前苏联苏霍伊设计局研制的亚音速空中密接支援攻击机,北约代号蛙足(Frogfoot)。 除了是前苏联主力的攻击机种之一外,也在苏联解体后的独联体国家持续服役,并有若干外销版本。 苏-25构型简单但是实用,战场生存性佳,在其多种不同的衍生版本之中,经过导航/攻击系统强化的苏-25TM,又常称为苏-39。 类型 攻击机 、密接支援. 首飞 1975年2月22日. 设计 苏霍伊设计局. 生产 第比利斯飞机制造厂(Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing) 产量 1,000架 …
Sukhoi Su-25 - Soviet Union / Russian Aircraft - Post-WW2
The Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot is a Soviet-designed, twin-engine close-air support aircraft known for its ruggedness, versatility, and effectiveness in ground attack roles.
Su-25 Frogfoot, Sukhoi - FIGHTER PLANES
Feb 14, 2024 · Discover the Su-25 Frogfoot, Sukhoi's rugged ground attack jet known for its combat durability and support in conflicts worldwide. A close air support legend.
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