苏步青(中国微分几何学派创始人)_百度 ... - 百度百科
苏步青(1902年10月24日—2003年3月17日),浙江温州平阳人,祖籍福建省 泉州市, 中国科学院院士,中国著名的 数学家 、 教育家,中国 微分几何学 派创始人,被誉为“东方国度上灿烂的数学明星”、“东方第一几何学家”、“数学之王”。 [1] [13] 1927年毕业于日本 东北帝国大学 数学系,1931年获该校理学博士学位,1948年当选为 中央研究院 院士,1955年被选聘为 中国科学院 学部委员,1959年加入中国共产党,1978年后任 复旦大学 校长、数学研究所所长,复旦大学名 …
Su Buqing - Wikipedia
Su Buqing, also spelled Su Buchin (simplified Chinese: 苏步青; traditional Chinese: 蘇步青; September 23, 1902 – March 17, 2003), was a Chinese mathematician, educator and poet. He was the founder of differential geometry in China, and served as president of Fudan University and honorary chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society .
Buqing Su (1902 - 2003) - MacTutor History of Mathematics
Buqing Su was a Chinese mathematician and educator, regarded as the founder of Differential Geometry in China. He became President of Fudan University and honorary Chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society.
Su Buqing - math.zju.edu.cn
Su Buqing (1902-2003): A mathematician native of Pingyang, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from Tohoku Imperial University in 1928, and received the Ph.D. degree in science in 1931. He served as...
苏步青奖 - 百度百科
2003年7月,国际工业与应用数学联合会于悉尼召开第五届国际工业与应用数学大会,设立了以我国已故著名数学家苏步青先生命名的“苏步青奖”,旨在奖励在数学对经济腾飞和人类发展的应用方面作出杰出贡献的个人——这是第一个以我国数学家命名的国际性数学大奖。 苏步青奖由特设的国际评奖委员会负责评选,每四年颁发一次,每次一人,奖金为1000美元。 与国际数学家大会颁发的 菲尔茨奖 不同,虽然今天公布了获奖名单,但奖项要等到明年在苏黎士举行的第六届大会 …
Chinese Modern Mathematician -- Su Buqing - China Daily
2025年2月28日 · Su Buqing was born in Pingyang, Zhejiang Province, in September 1902. He is a distinguished modern mathematician in China. When he was a little boy, he decided to be a successful person.
'Century Masters' looks back on educator Su Buqing
2019年5月28日 · Century Masters, a docuseries celebrating prominent Chinese figures during the 20th century, started filming its third season which opens with the life story of China's leading mathematician and educator, Su Buqing. Premiering in 2012, the series has produced over 100 episodes covering art, music, theater, literature and architecture.
Su Buqing (September 23, 1902 — March 17, 2003), People's
Su Buqing, also spelled Su Buchin, was a Chinese mathematician, educator, and President of Fudan University. Su was born in Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province in 1902. After Su finished high school at Wenzhou High School, he graduated from Tohoku Imperial University in Japan in 1927 and received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University in 1931.
数学家苏步青的故事 - 儿童故事网
苏步青是浙江平阳人,出身农家,由于家境清寒,从小少吃缺穿,少年时代的苏步青,又瘦又小,身体并不怎么健康。 小学毕业后,读了二年中学,十七岁东渡日本,进帝国大学专攻数学。 在异国他乡,苏步青一住十二年。 在这期间,他逐渐爱上了体育,兴趣广泛,划船、溜冰、网球、骑自行车、开摩托车,样样都能漂亮地玩上几手。 当时,苏步青还是帝国大学网球队和划船队的主力队员之一。 数十年来,由于坚持体育锻炼,苏步青身体素质极好。 就是到了耄耋之年,上五 …
[PDF] Computational Geometry by Su Bu-qing - Perlego
Computational Geometry: Curve and Surface Modeling provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of computational geometry. This book discusses the geometric properties of parametric polynomial curves by using the theory of affine invariants for algebraic curves.
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