Su Song - Wikipedia
Su Song (Chinese: 蘇頌; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: So͘ Siōng, 1020–1101), courtesy name Zirong (Chinese: 子容; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chú-iông), [1] was a Chinese polymathic scientist and statesman who lived during the Song dynasty (960–1279).
苏颂(1020年12月10日-1101年6月18日),字子容, 福建路 泉州 同安县 (今属福建省 厦门市 同安区)人。 中国 北宋 中期官员,杰出的天文学家、天文机械制造家、药物学家。 [6] [72] 苏颂出身 闽南 望族,于 宋仁宗 庆历二年(1042年)登 进士 第,授 宿州 观察推官。 此后长期在 馆阁 供职,广涉古籍,留心医学。 嘉祐六年(1061年)后多次出知地方,治绩斐然,并两次出使 辽朝 、三任 馆伴使。 宋神宗 时曾参与 元丰改制。 宋哲宗 即位之初,历任 刑部尚书 、 吏部尚书 、 …
Su Song | Clockmaker, Astronomer, Polymath | Britannica
Su Song (born 1020, Fujian Province, China—died 1101, Kaifeng) was a Chinese scholar and administrative and financial expert in the imperial bureaucracy. His Illustrated Pharmacopoeia (1070) revealed his knowledge of drugs, zoology, metallurgy, and related technology. An armillary clock that he built to serve as the basis of calendrical ...
Song Dynasty China | Asia for Educators - Columbia University
Su Song and the Mechanical Clock Tower. One high official, Su Song (1020-1101), is famous for having designed and constructed a mechanical clock tower (almost 40 feet high) by adding a chain-driven mechanism to the existing water-powered clock. The clock told not only the time of day but also the day of the month, the phase of the moon, and the ...
Su Song - Encyclopedia.com
Su Song. 1020-1101. Scientist. Sources. Official. The son of a high-ranking official, Su Song successfully passed his Jinshi degree examination and was offered a post in the Imperial Library in 1053. In 1057 the Song court appointed him to revise the medical classics. By 1062 he revised and enlarged a massive work on pharmacology and natural ...
Su-sung's Clock - The Engines of Our Ingenuity
Su-Sung's clock was stolen when invading Tatars put an end to the Sung dynasty in 1126. The Tatars weren't able to get it running again, and the high art of Chinese clock-making completely disappeared.
Su Song - SpringerLink
Su Song was a Chinese astronomer and pharmacologist in the Northern Song dynasty. His public name was Zirong. In 1042, Su Song passed the imperial examinations for government service. In 1086, he was ordered to investigate existing armillary spheres.
Su Song biography, list of Su Song inventions - Edubilla.com
Su Song (1020–1101 AD) was a renowned Han Chinese polymath who was described as a statesman, astronomer, cartographer, horologist, pharmacologist, mineralogist, zoologist, botanist, mechanical and architectural engineer, poet, antiquarian, and ambassador of the Song Dynasty (960–1279).
Su Song's Cosmic Engine 水運儀像台 - 蘇頌天文機械鐘 - YouTube
An animation of Su Song's Cosmic Engine, an astronomical clock tower built during the Song dynasty from 1088 - 1092 AD.Su Song's Cosmic Engine was an astrono...
A study on ancient Chinese time laws and the time-telling system of Su ...
2002年1月1日 · In ancient China, Su Song (1020–1101) described a water clock tower with figures that tell time through striking drums or ringing bells [9–11]. Moreover, an odometer and a sand clock with ringing figures are recorded in Chinese literature during the 14th century [12,13].