T4MS("200") - Испытатели
At the end, the T-4MS project was admitted to be the best choice for the USSR Air Force. But to build the T-4MS, Sukhoi OKB would have to use Kazan Aviation Plant (KAP). It was hardly …
Sukhoi T-4 - Wikipedia
The Sukhoi T-4, or "Aircraft 100", or "Project 100", or "Sotka" is a Soviet high-speed reconnaissance, anti-ship and strategic bomber aircraft that did not proceed beyond the …
苏霍伊T4MS战略轰炸机 - 百度百科
苏霍伊T-4MS战略轰炸机,是1969年1月10日由Sukhoi设计局研制的一款战略轰炸机。 1967年,美国提出了先进有人驾驶战略轰炸机计划(AMSA)也就是未来的 B-1,这促使苏联军事当局重 …
The Never Built Soviet Stealth Bomber - T-4MS - War Bird Fanatics
2023年1月20日 · The Soviet T4 MS was a high-speed reconnaissance, anti-ship, and strategic bomber aircraft that would have revolutionized the warfare of the late Cold War era. While it …
T-4偵察機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1960年代 美國空軍 研發出 XB-70女武神式超音速轟炸機 與A-11(A-12偵察機,也就是後來的 SR-71黑鳥式偵察機)之後,由於前兩者的高速高空突穿能力對蘇聯空軍造成極大的威脅,因此促 …
Sukhoi T-4MS: The Soviet Stealth Bomber That Never Was
2025年2月4日 · “ Designed to rival the U.S. B-1 bomber, the Soviet T-4MS was a revolutionary aircraft featuring variable geometry wings, cutting-edge fly-by-wire systems, and a payload …
蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機:蘇霍伊T4MS戰略轟炸機在1967 美國提出 …
蘇霍伊t4ms戰略轟炸機 基於以上要求和在 T-4M 上進行過的探索,Sukhoi 的設計師們認為 T-4MS 應該具備完全的升力體機身----也就是“飛翼”,同時採用可變後掠翼以獲得相對小的表面積。
Supersonic intercontinental bomber T-4MS ("product 200"): the …
OKB Sukhoi PO since 1961, also on a competitive basis, was engaged in the development of a supersonic bomber-missile carrier T-4, for a mass of 100 tons of the second-named "Sotka." …
Supersonic intercontinental bomber T-4MS ("product 200"): main ...
2025年1月24日 · The Sukhoi P. O. Design Bureau since 1961, also on a competitive basis, has been developing the T-4 supersonic bomber-missile carrier, which received the second name …
苏联T4轰炸机 - 搜狗百科
苏联T4轰炸机是六七十年代苏霍伊飞机设计局研制的一种超音速远程战略轰炸机。 虽然它采用了不少新技术和新材料,性能也非常先进,但由于种种原因最终未能投入生产和使用在外形上,T4 …