SU-122 - Wikipedia
The SU-122 (from Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 122 mm) was a Soviet self-propelled howitzer or assault gun used during World War II. The number "122" in the designation represents the caliber of the main armament, a 122 mm M-30S howitzer.
Soviet SU-122 self propelled gun (1942) - tank-afv.com
The SU-122 was the first major variant of the successful T-34 chassis. After the first German Sturmgeschütz assault guns were seen in operations, an order was issued in April 1942 to …
苏联122mm口径自行火炮 二战发挥重大作用 源于缴获的德军装备
2021年7月6日 · 在战场上,这种突击炮具有良好的作战性能,正面防护性能良好,配备了良好的瞄准系统,是苏军完全满意的装甲武器。 苏军第一份使用III号突击炮的报告,可以追溯到1941年7月。 在基辅保卫战期间,苏军缴获了两辆可以继续作战的III号突击炮。
苏联SU-122M自行火炮 鲜为人知的双口径设计 沉睡在档案中80年
2022年12月11日 · 至于SU-122-III,这种中型突击自行火炮的研制工作于8月结束。 苏军自行火炮的发展方向转向坦克歼击车,以对抗德军日益庞大的“动物园”。
SU-122自行火炮 - 百度百科
43年5月,装备了新型炮弹的SU-122具备了在远距离摧毁敌军坦克 装甲车辆 的能力,包括德军的重型虎式坦克。 43年8月31日,德军“大日尔曼” 装甲师 一个虎式坦克营的少校在一份报告中提到 虎式坦克 被一种 T-34 底盘自行火炮的122毫米炮弹命中之后 严重损坏,难于修复,其实就是指SU-122。 制造和改进SU-122的工作也同时在进行,SU-122的生产明显比较便宜。 1943年3月,Uralmash工厂设计了一种改进的SU-122,被命名为SU-122M,安装有122毫米的U-11榴弹 …
SU-122 | War Thunder Wiki
The SU-122 was a World War II-era Soviet self-propelled assault gun. Mounted on a T-34 medium tank chassis, the main armament consists of a 122 mm M-30S howitzer. After the German Sturmgeschütz III assault guns proved successful, the Soviet High Command …
SU-122突击炮 - 哔哩哔哩
SU-122是突击炮级的中型苏联自行火炮单位(SAU)(在某些限制下,它也可以用作自行榴弹炮)。 该机成为苏联开发的第一批自行式火炮之一,被大规模生产。
Su-122 Self-Propelled Gun (SPG) - Military Factory
2018年1月8日 · SU-122-III - Proposed upgrade; fitting 122mm D-6 gun to SU-85 chassis; never produced.
SU-122 (U-35) self-propelled gun - GlobalSecurity.org
Because of breakages of SU-122-III (such index has received new SP before tests), it was removed from tests. As the manufacture of SU-100 was stopped for the lack of an armor-piercing shell,...
Su-122 - Plane Dave
2021年11月23日 · Those Su-122 produced were expended or worn out during the War and today, only a single example at the Kubinka Tank Museum is known to exist. The idea for the Su-122 came from seeing the success of the German Stug III family of vehicles. The Su-122 was derived from the T-34 chassis (at top, left).