Sukhoi Su-17 - Wikipedia
The Sukhoi Su-17 (izdeliye S-32; NATO reporting name: Fitter) is a variable-sweep wing fighter-bomber developed for the Soviet military. Developed from the Sukhoi Su-7, the Su-17 was the first variable-sweep wing aircraft to enter Soviet service and featured updated avionics.
Su-17攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Su-17戰鬥機 (俄语: Су-17)是一款由 Su-7 進一步發展而来的 蘇聯 製 戰鬥轟炸機, 北約代號 是 裝配匠 (Fitter)。 Su-17除了蘇聯和後繼的俄羅斯廣泛使用的標準版本Su-17外,蘇霍伊設計局也推出 Su-20 與 Su-22,是Su-17搭配降級 航電 與 發動機 等設備之後的外銷專用版,廣泛為 中東 地區國家的空軍所使用,该系列攻擊機共生产2,867架,主要用户为俄罗斯、 利比亞 、 伊拉克 、 埃及 、 敘利亞 、 東德 和 波兰。 蘇霍伊設計局 開發的Su-17是考量到 後掠翼 設計的Su-7雖 …
苏-17攻击机 - 百度百科
苏-17攻击机(俄文:Су-17,英文:Su-17 Attack aircraft,北约代号:Fitter,译文:装配匠,衍生型号:苏-20和苏-22),是苏联/俄罗斯一型单座单发变后掠翼喷气式战斗攻击机/轰炸机。
Ground-Attack Aviation & Fighter-Bombers Units
Starting from 1979, a zero-zero K-36DM ejection seat equipped the Su-17M3 and later the Su-17M4. The engine remained the Lyul'ka AL-21F-3 which also powered the Su-17M/M2/UM. The Su-17M3 had the standard armament of two 30mm cannons, while two additional pylons (n°9 and 10) intended solely to carry R-60 air-to-air missiles with IR homing, were ...
[2.0] Sukhoi Su-17 / 20 / 22 - AirVectors
The "Su-17M3" was the Su-17M2 with the front fuselage of the Su-17UM and further improved avionics; there was also a reconnaissance version, the "Su-17M3R", and a SEAD version, the "Su-17M3P". NATO referred to all three as "Fitter-H", with 488 produced.
Su-17戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Su-17戰鬥機 (俄語: Су-17)是一款由 Su-7 進一步發展而來的 蘇聯 製 戰鬥轟炸機, 北約代號 是 裝配匠 (Fitter)。 Su-17除了蘇聯和後繼的俄羅斯廣泛使用的標準版本Su-17外,蘇霍伊設計局也推出 Su-20 與 Su-22,是Su-17搭配降級 航電 與 發動機 等設備之後的外銷專用版,廣泛為 中東 地區國家的空軍所使用,該系列攻擊機共生產2,867架,主要用戶為俄羅斯、 利比亞 、 伊拉克 、 埃及 、 敘利亞 、 東德 和 波蘭。 蘇霍伊設計局 開發的Su-17是考量到 後掠翼 設計的Su-7雖 …
Sukhoi Su-17 / Su-20 / Su-22 (Fitter) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · The Su-17M (S-32M) became the first quantitative production version of note and was known to NATO as "Fitter-C". The aircraft was fitted with an afterburning Lyulka AL-21F-3 engine of 24,800lbs output and was given an onboard SRD-5M range-finding radar (same as the one found on the Su-7BMK production models).
Su-17,-20,-22 FITTER (SUKHOI) - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年6月21日 · Su-17M-3 "Fitter-H": almost identical to the Su-17M-1; has new special underwing pylons for air-to-air missiles; equipped with significantly improved aviation electronic equipment.
Sukhoï Su-17 (NATO: Fitter) - Fly a jet fighter
Su-17M (Fitter-C): first major variant in production, equipped with the AL-21F-3 and the SRD-5M navigation and attack system; produced from 1972 to 1975; exported to Egypt, but also to Poland and Syria. Su-17M2 (Fitter-D): improved variant, offering more visibility to the pilot and superior electronic equipment; produced from 1974 to 1977.
Su-17,-20,-22 FITTER (SUKHOI) - GlobalSecurity.org
Some of the modifications were Su-17M, Su-17M2, Su-17M3, and the Su-17M4 (low-altitude subsonic bomber), Su-17UM (trainer). It was designed as a fighter-bomber, but it was used mostly as...