Sukhoi S-54 - Wikipedia
The Sukhoi S-54 was a series of three closely related aircraft proposals; the S-54 trainer aircraft, S-55 light fighter designed for export, and the S-56 carrier-capable light fighter. All members of the family resemble the Sukhoi Su-27 in general form, or the Sukhoi Su-33 more closely, but built around a single Saturn AL-31 engine instead of ...
List of Sukhoi aircraft - Wikipedia
Sukhoi S-54; Sukhoi Superjet 130; Note: The Sukhoi OKB has reused aircraft designations, for example: the Su-9 from 1946 and the later Su-9 from 1956, the former was not produced in quantity. Sukhoi prototype designations are based on wing layout planform.
S-54战斗机 - 百度百科
s-54战斗机是由俄罗斯苏霍伊设计局股份有限公司设计的第三代轻型战斗机方案。 该机是上个世界90年代初苏霍伊公司为俄罗斯空军研制的新一代教练机的备选方案,采用单发设计,气动方案与苏-27M类似,但体型仅相当于后者的三分之二。
Sukhoi Su-57 - Wikipedia
The Su-57 is the first aircraft in Russian military service designed with stealth technology and is intended to be the basis for a family of stealth combat aircraft.
SU-122-54自行反坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
su-122-54自行反坦克炮,是苏联于1948年开发的自行反坦克炮。 冷战 时期,西方情报机构根据苏联叛逃者 维克多·苏沃洛夫 提供的情报,曾将其错误地命名为 IT-122自行反坦克炮 ( Истребитель танков ,自行反坦克炮) [ 1 ] [ 2 ] 。
Su-54: The ‘Trainer’ Fighter Russia Never Built
2024年1月26日 · Say hello to the Su-54 trainer, a short-lived design concept that ended up never being built and therefore never even earned a catchy NATO reporting name. The concept of the Su-54 traces its...
Sukhoi S-54 / S-55 / S-56 Family - GlobalSecurity.org
2012年10月16日 · The S-54 advanced trainer, based on Su-27 aerodynamics, the S-55 export fighter variant and S-56 carrier-based fighter have a strong resemblance to the Su-27, although with only one engine.
Сухой С-54/Sukhoi S-54教练机/轻型战斗机家族 - 新浪看点
2020年12月20日 · 苏霍伊提交了S-54飞机的概念 设计,一款双座高级喷气教练机和轻型战斗机,是Su-27战斗机的单发动机衍生产品。它由单台Мотор“发动机”科学生产联合体的R-195FS发动机提供动力,该发动机是作为为Su-25攻击机提供动力的生产型R-195涡轮喷气发动机的加力改型而 ...
Sukhoi S-54 - Wikiwand
The Sukhoi S-54 was a series of three closely related aircraft proposals; the S-54 trainer aircraft, S-55 light fighter designed for export, and the S-56 carrier-capable light fighter. All members of the family resemble the Sukhoi Su-27 in general form, or the Sukhoi Su-33 more closely, but built around a single Saturn AL-31 engine instead of ...
SU-122-54坦克歼击车 - 百度百科
SU-122-54坦克歼击车是苏联战后以T-54坦克为底盘研制的122mm自行反坦克炮(坦克歼击车)。 该坦克歼击车在1954年进入部队服役,1955年开始量产,约有77辆SU-122-54被制造出来。