【APC SU043参数】APC SU043 PDU电源分配器参数_规格_性能_ …
zol中关村在线apc su043 pdu电源分配器参数提供最全的apc su043参数、apc su043规格、apc su043性能、apc su043功能介绍,为您购买apc su043 pdu电源分配器提供有价值的参考
APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power ... - Icecat
2025年1月14日 · APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V. Product colour: Beige. Cable length: 2 m. Nominal input voltage: 230 V, Output voltage: 230 V. Width: 457.2 mm, Depth: 228.6 mm, Height: 44.5 mm. I/O ports: Output Connections - (2)IEC 320 C13; (2)IEC Jumpers Input Connection Type - IEC-320 C14.
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apc su043参数页面提供真实的apc su043配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解apc su043。
【APC SU043】(APC SU043)报价_图片_参数_评测_论坛_APC SU043PDU …
产品简介: APC SU043 PDU电源分配器 外观尺寸为44×457×229mm,重量为4.55Kg;APC SU043 PDU电源分配器 输出插座数量为IEC 320 C13:2个,IEC Jumpers:2个。 价格纠错
【APC SU043】报价_参数_图片_论坛_APC SU043 PDU电源分配器 …
中关村在线为您提供apc su043 pdu电源分配器最新报价,同时包括apc su043图片、apc su043参数、apc su043评测行情、apc su043论坛、apc su043点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买apc su043 pdu电源分配器提供有价值的参考
APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V 配電設備 米色
2022年10月21日 · Specs APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V 配電設備 米色 SU043 配電設備, compare, review, comparison, specifications, price, brochure, catalog ...
APC SU043 - APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V …
See product APC SU043 - APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power distribution unit [PDU] Beige , find price of APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power distribution unit [PDU] Beige , APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power distribution unit (PDU) Beige Rack ATS, 12A, 230V, (2)C14 in, (2)C13 out. Toggle ...
APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power distribution …
APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, Input : 230V , Input Connection Type : IEC-320 C14 , Cord Length : 6.5 feet ( 1.98 meters ) , Output : 230V , Output Connections : (2)IEC 320 C13, (2)IEC Jumpers. See stock levels for the distributors/wholesalers of SU043, compare trade prices, sell SU043 on your web store.
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APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power ... - Icecat
Specs APC Rack Automatic Transfer Switch, 12A, 230V power distribution unit (PDU) Beige SU043 Power Distribution Units (PDUs) Rack ATS, 12A, 230V, (2)C14 in, (2)C13 out, compare, review, comparison, specifications, price, brochure, catalog, product information, content syndication, product info, product data, datasheet