The Student Union Building - UVSS - University of Victoria …
The Student Union Building and the UVSS businesses are all independent, student-owned & operated. All profits from these businesses go back to supporting students in the form of advocacy, services & events within the University of Victoria Students' Society.
Jobs - Work in the SUB - UVSS - University of Victoria Students' …
The UVSS employs approximately 150 staff, consisting of student positions as well as permanent staff. Check back often for new postings! The University of Victoria Students’ Society is an equal opportunity employer. Accommodations are available for persons with a disability.
Student Union (SUB) - University of Victoria
The Student Union Building (SUB) is operated by the Students’ Society. It contains offices for student groups and student-run businesses and services like Cinecenta movie theatre and CFUV Campus Radio. It also contains conference rooms and spaces for rental.
University of Victoria Students' Society - UVSS
The SUB is home to nine businesses that are social enterprises owned and operated by the students’ society. All our businesses are designed with students’ needs in mind and strive to be as environmentally sustainable and socially conscious as possible. These businesses are: Bean There Catering & Conferences Cinecenta Felicita’s Campus Pub
Zap Copy - Digital Printing Shop at University Of Victoria
Use our self-serve for quick and affordable colour or black and white printing, copying and scanning. Our machines feature high-quality, 100% recycled, 89 gsm paper in multiple sizes from 8.5” x 11” up to 12” x 18” as well as free stapling and hole punching.
Clubs & organizations - Students - UVic
There are over 150 clubs on campus dedicated to environmental, cultural, political, religious and recreational causes. Clubs are funded by student fees and any active club is welcome to access this funding to host events, plan workshops, or buy …
Student Union Building (SUB) | UVic Community Green Map
The Student Union Building is a resource for students including food operations, the UVic student society (UVSS), print shop, campus dentist office and much more. Find out more on the website or better by going and checking out the business/help centres yourself!
SUBtext Bookstore at UVic
SUBtext is a student owned and operated bookstore located on the UVic campus. Textbooks, cards & gifts, snacks & drinks, local art and more.
Student resources - Students - University of Victoria
Learn about the University of Victoria, our programs and research strengths. Academic accommodations reduce barriers and provide different ways of meeting essential course or program requirements. Get advice and guidance on your academic requirements and learn what supports there are to help you complete your degree.
Clubs & Course Unions - UVSS - University of Victoria Students' …
2024年10月15日 · Over 30 different Course Unions represent UVic’s academic departments. Membership is open to students registered in any class of that department. Course Unions …