Eris® Sub8 Studio Subwoofer - PreSonus
The surprisingly loud 100 watt Eris Sub8 drops down to a molar-rattling 30 Hz, so you'll hear the full sonic spectrum and produce better mixes. For EDM and hip-hop producers, in particular, a subwoofer is a must-have.
年轻人的第一台低音炮!PreSonus 推出 Eris Sub8 | 叉烧网
2020年12月10日 · PreSonus 在官网的主页上一再强调,这款 Sub 8 低音炮泛用性强,适合搭配 E3.5/E4.5 等型号组成 2.1 系统。 除了监听干活,它用作家庭娱乐也很出彩! 我对这句话的理解是:
Eris® Sub 8BT - PreSonus
The first PreSonus® studio subwoofer to offer Bluetooth® 5.0 wireless connectivity, the Eris Sub 8BT provides flexible wired connection options, as well, making it easy to add it to just about any monitoring setup. Onboard controls let you effortlessly …
Amazon.com: 8-inch Subwoofer
PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT — 8-inch Active Studio Subwoofer with Bluetooth for Multimedia, Gaming, Studio-Quality Music Production
PreSonus发布Eris Sub8低音炮音箱 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Eris Sub8可以灵活的满足监听和混音的要求,通过1/4英寸TRS或RCA接口连接到全音域监听音箱,还带有输入电平控制和极性反转切换。 它的 高通滤波器 开关和可变 低通滤波器 /分频器控制可以确保低音炮在精确的低频点开始工作。 结果就是能够提供紧凑、平滑和清晰的低频,可以实现全音域音箱与Eris Sub8低音炮之间的无缝过渡。 主要功能: 更多详细内容,请关注“电音哦”官网。 电脑音乐、MIDI音乐及音频行业技术资讯交流。 PreSonus日前宣布推出Eris Sub8低音炮音箱 …
PreSonus Eris Sub8 Review | Great 8″ Studio Subwoofer - Sound …
For those who need a neutral low-frequency response, the PreSonus Sub8 delivers incredibly clean and crisp bass. It’s capable of warm, powerful bass that doesn’t distort or muddy. That full and accurate low end makes it the perfect bass companion for those who need a …
PreSonus Eris Sub 8 Compact Studio Subwoofer - amazon.com
2020年11月2日 · The Eris Sub8 is the first subwoofer to join the lauded and best-selling Eris studio monitor line. We called it Eris because it’s been designed from the ground up to be part of the family; it compliments the voicing and frequency response of the modern Eris classics.
PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT 低音喇叭 Subwoofer 重低音監聽喇叭
Eris Sub 8BT 是 PreSonus® 首款支援 Bluetooth® 5.0 的 studio subwoofer,同時也提供多種有線連接選項,讓你能輕鬆擴充到任何監聽系統。 機身上的控制面板可輕鬆打造 2.1 monitoring system ,並對房間聲學進行微調。
PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT — 8-inch Active Studio Subwoofer with …
Big sub-low end. 8-inch front-firing driver delivers smooth, accurate sub-low frequencies. Bluetooth 5.0 stereo input ensures outstanding wireless audio quality. Power to spare: 100W Class AB amplifier (50W RMS) delivers 100 dB SPL …
ADAM Audio - 小型录音监听系统的好搭档Sub8有源超低音音箱