Subscapularis tendon tear | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2023年2月7日 · MRI. Subscapularis tears can have intermediate or fluid-like intrasubstance tendon signal, tendon margin irregularity, tendon defect and/or tendon retraction 8. Findings helpful for the diagnosis of subscapularis tendon tears:
Imaging Review of Subscapularis Tendon and Rotator Interval …
Axial PD-weighed MRI (a) demonstrates a full-thickness subscapularis tendon tear (long arrow) with medial retraction (short double-headed arrow). Axial T2-weighed FS MRI (b) shows multiple subchondral cysts at the greater tuberosity (arrowheads), which is an associated finding with rotator cuff tears.
Abnormalities on MRI of the Subscapularis Tendon in the …
2012年11月23日 · Reported MRI signs associated with subcoracoid impingement include subcortical bone marrow edema of the coracoid process and lesser tuberosity associated with reduced subcoracoid interval.
Subscapularis tendon tear classification and diagnosis: A systemic ...
According to our systematic review and meta-analysis, MR arthrography was the most accurate in diagnosing subscapularis tears. MR arthrography was the most sensitive, and MRI and ultrasonography were the most specific in detecting subscapularis tears.
Multi-modal imaging of the subscapularis muscle - PMC
Ultrasound shows a hypoechoic or anechoic defect from the articular to bursal surface of the SSC tendon. MRI shows a fluid high signal on T2 w images involving the full thickness of the SSC tendon. Opacification of the SASD bursa is observed …
The subscapularis: anatomy, injury, and imaging
2009年12月22日 · The optimal imaging technique for the subscapularis is a combination of the sagittal oblique (MRI)/ short-axis (ultrasound) and axial (MRI)/long-axis (ultrasound) planes . There are a number of direct findings indicative of a subscapularis tendon tear.
Preoperative Shoulder MRI Findings to Predict Subscapularis …
2024年1月26日 · MRI shows greater than 90% accuracy in diagnosing rotator cuff tears by focusing on the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. However, the use of MRI as an effective diagnostic tool for rotator cuff tears focusing on the subscapularis has been challenging (7,8).
MRI Assessment of the subscapularis tendon is not just about looking for tears. This post looks at the four things that should be assessed. The MRI appearance of partial and full-thickness tears. Then assessing for muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration to …
2011年8月16日 · (MRI) scans for subscapularis tears and compares preoperative MRI interpretations with findings of the same shoulders at arthroscopy. Methods: The study was composed of 202 patients who underwent shoulder arthroscopy by 1 of 5 orthopaedic surgeons during a 3-month period. All patients had MRI scans performed within 6 …
Subscapularis tears: hidden and forgotten no more
2018年3月1日 · MRI and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) are the most common advanced imaging modalities used for evaluation of the rotator cuff. However, the diagnostic yield of MRI for patients with subscapularis tears is perceived to be inferior compared with posterosuperior tears.