Most Influential Women Computer Scientists
2024年8月9日 · Women in Computer Science. Our list includes some of the ten most influential women in computer science. It highlights some of the women who made important discoveries, broke barriers, or accomplished "firsts" in the computer science field within the last 75 years. Radia Perlman. Radia Perlman is a computer programmer and network engineer born ...
Influential Women in Computer Science From the Last 10 Years
2023年7月28日 · Our list of influential women in computer science features those who have impacted artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, who have held executive roles in big tech companies, and who have affected positive change in their university departments.
Influential women in computer science « Computer Science# « …
2019年3月11日 · In support of International Women’s Day, we celebrate the contributions of 15 of the most influential women throughout the history of computer science. Their biographies and accomplishments in the field are celebrated here.
15 of the most important women in tech who changed the world - Mashable
In honor of International Women's Day, here are 15 great ladies of technology you really need to know about. 1. The women who cracked the secrets of the universe with computation: Williamina...
List of Influential Women and Nonbinary People in Computing
Women have made important contributions to the field with significantly less recognition than their male counterparts, and, as of 2023, approximately a fifth of computer science degrees were earned by women. Nonetheless, many women and nonbinary people have made invaluable contributions to computing. Here is a list of some of them.
Women in Computer Science | Breaking through not just the …
The world’s 100 most powerful women; Computer Science Online; Women of vision; The Hour of Code; Some Universities Crack Code in Drawing Women to Computer Science; Categories. beyond CS; celebration; Compensation; events; general; numbers; scholarships
Where are the Women? A Detailed History of Women in Computer Science ...
Bringing women back into computer science is more than just a solution to correct past mistakes. As society becomes more dependent upon AI and AI systems, we need a diverse representation of leaders to design algorithms and eliminate existing biases. There are several ways to get women back into computer science.
Women in Computer Science - SpringerLink
2 小时之前 · The first graduate-level computer science programs were launched in Israel at the end of the 1960s, at both the Technion and WIS. At WIS it was Shimon Even (1935–2004), a researcher in the field of graph theory and cryptography and a highly influential educator, who in 1969 organized a two-year master’s degree program in computer science at DAM.
Women In Cyber: The Beginnings
1 天前 · An article detailing the accomplishments of women in cyber/computer science, including Ada Lovelace, Joan Clarke, Hedy Lamarr, and Grace Hopper . ... She lived in London during the mid 1800s when women were still not allowed into university. Lovelace was also heavily interested in phrenology, the practice of measuring bumps in the skull to ...
Women in Computing - Science Museum
Women's impact on computer science Women have made important contributions to computing—manual, mechanical and electronic—from its earliest days . From the 1700s until the early 1900s, 'computers' were people—low-paid and often female workers who did the laborious and repetitive calculations needed for astronomy observations, ballistics ...