Management of molar pregnancy - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The diagnosis of a molar pregnancy might be suspected based on a number of clinical features: abnormal vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is the most common presentation; uterus large …
Suction curettage is the preferred method for management of all suspected molar pregnancies. In partial mole where fetal parts are too large to allow surgical management then medical …
Critical care management of molar pregnancy in a peripheral set-up
Beginning at about 10–12 weeks' gestation, maternal plasma levels of beta-hCG begin to decline, and a nadir reached by about 20 weeks and maintained at this level for the rest of the …
A suction catheter up to a maximum of 12mm is satisfactory for the rapid evacuation and involution of the uterus. • Oxytocin infusion can beused after evacuation, especially if brisk …
Guideline No. 408: Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases
Women with suspected hydatidiform mole should be offered either suction evacuation of the uterus or hysterectomy for initial management (strong, moderate). All Rh-negative women …
MVA Kit - Manual Vacuum Aspirator Kit with Karman Cannula
Specialized Syringe used to Suction during the Surgical Abortion Procedure. Smooth catheter surface, Rounded Tip; MVA Kit is a medical device used for manual vacuum aspiration …
Management of complete molar pregnancy - PubMed
Suction curettage is the preferred method of molar evacuation regardless of uterine size in patients who desire to preserve fertility. Prophylactic chemotherapy may be useful in the …
Different modalities of treatment such as suction evacuation, D&C and hysterectomy were used for the patients with molar pregnancy. Suction evacuation was the first line treatment in 87.5% …
Vacuum Aspiration for Molar Pregnancy - Kaiser Permanente
2017年11月21日 · Vacuum aspiration is a surgical procedure. It's used to remove molar pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This procedure uses a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached …
The primary treatment for molar pregnancy involves surgical intervention, specifically uterine evacuation performed through suction and curettage, often under ultrasound guidance. In …