Life, Then Death, on a Trawler in Freezing Antarctic Seas
2015年5月20日 · Author Matt Lewis was hired as a scientist on the South African fishing trawler, the Sudur Havid, which sailed into a winter storm and sank. When the boat sank 170 miles from land, the...
BBC World Service - Outlook, Surviving Antarctic Shipwreck
2014年7月15日 · Matt Lewis tells us how he survived a shipwreck in the Southern Ocean in which 17 men died. He was scientific officer on the fishing boat Sudur Havid which went down in heavy seas in 1998.
Shipwreck Survivor's Tale in the Antarctic Ocean - YouTube
Matt Lewis is a survivor from the tragic sinking of the Sudur Havid fishing trawler, a long line vessel catching toothfish. On the 6th of June 1998 the ship and her crew were in serious...
A maritime disaster | The Herald - Herald Scotland
2014年7月12日 · In April 1998, not long after completing his masters in marine biology at Aberdeen University, he became a scientific observer on a deep-sea fishing boat, the Sudur Havid (pictured). With 38 men...
Last Man Off – The true story of the sinking of the fishing boat …
The story of Last Man Off, told live, will grab the attention of audiences interested in corporate risk, safety culture, and management of change.
South Africa: Crewman Tells Of Battle To Save Ill-fated Trawler
1999年5月5日 · Cape Town — Battling through a vicious sea, the ill-fated long-line fishing boat Sudurhavid was gradually flooding as her crew continued to work the fishing lines and clean the catch. Their ship...
Aberdeen man tells of survival on the sea - Press and Journal
2014年7月23日 · It took him eight years to put a pen to paper and another six winters to write it, but an Aberdeenshire man has finally told of his incredible tale of survival on the Antarctic Seas in a new book....
Abandon Ship: Stranded in the South Atlantic (Part 2 of 2) - BBC
2023年8月10日 · The Sudur Havid is submerged beneath the freezing waters of the South Atlantic. As the captain and first mate struggle to respond, it falls to Matt to coordinate a last-ditch effort to abandon...
Sudur Havid 1998 – South Georgia's Cemeteries
The South African longline fishing vessel Sudur Havid was lost on 6 June 1998 in position 53° 55′ S 041° 24′ W when pumps were unable to keep up with water that swept over the ship in a storm. 21 Survivors were picked up by other vessels but sadly 17 others did not make it.
Sudur Havid 1998 - wildisland.gs
The South African longline fishing vessel Sudur Havid was lost on 6 June 1998 in position 53 55 S 041 24W when pumps were unable to keep up with water that swept over the ship in a storm. 21 Survivors were picked up by other vessels but sadly 17 others did not make it.