Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS): Causes and …
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) is an inherited problem with your heart’s electrical system, which gives you an abnormal heart rhythm. Depending on the syndrome type, treatments may include medication or surgical procedures.
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome - Wikipedia
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) is a sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults caused by a cardiac arrest. However, the exact cause of the cardiac arrest, and thus the exact cause of death, is unknown.
SADS Conditions - SADS Foundation
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) are genetic heart conditions that can cause sudden death in young, apparently healthy, people. These conditions can be treated and deaths can be prevented. Family history of unexpected, unexplained sudden death under age 40. Fainting or seizure during exercise, excitement or startle.
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome - British Heart Foundation
What is SADS? Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest, but it's not clear what the cause was. A cardiac arrest is when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood around your body. This stops you from breathing, which starves your brain of oxygen.
有研究认为SADS是心脏电系统功能紊乱,它能导致健康人无预警性死亡。 病因是离子通道功能障碍。 这些离子通道控制着诸如Ca2+, Na+ 和 K+等离子的流动。 这些离子在细胞的流入和流出引起了心脏的电活动。 这些通道的异常可以是先天性的也可以是后天性的。 后天性的异常可由特定的药物引起或发生在某些病理生理状态下。 但对于SADS仍没有很好的描述性特征,需要一个明确而统一的定义以及详细的资料来扩大和更好地进行这方面的研究。 英18岁少女献初吻后猝死 或 …
SADS Foundation | Supporting families. Saving lives.
Established on December 12, 1991 by Dr. Michael Vincent, The SADS Foundation is a community of families, medical professionals, and supporters saving lives and advancing care for people with heart arrhythmia conditions that can lead to sudden death. Our regional educational seminars bring together families with SADS conditions and medical experts.
About SADS – Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome
This website outlines the possible causes of sudden death in young people and children. It concentrates on the medical conditions responsible for a sudden unexpected death where a definite cause cannot be found, even after a postmortem. This is called Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, or SADS. The website:
SADS - Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome - CRY
What is SADS? In the context of cardiology, the term SADS refers to Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome. However, the media sometimes refers to it as ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’; or use the term for referring to the more general notion of a …
What is SADS? - SADS Foundation
The SADS (Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes) Foundation is an international 501c3 patient advocacy nonprofit founded in 1991 that saves the lives and supports the families of those with genetic heart conditions or who’ve experienced Sudden Cardiac Arrest, including those with …
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome - PMC - PubMed Central …
Victims of sudden death from these diseases fall under the rubrick of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), which has been coined to describe sudden death without a structural cause identified by autopsy or toxicological examination. 2 Previous studies from the UK and the US estimated that >4% of sudden cardiac deaths fall into this category.