What are the differences between "su", "sudo -s", "sudo -i", "sudo …
2011年10月22日 · The major difference between sudo -i and sudo -s is: sudo -i gives you the root environment, i.e. your ~/.bashrc is ignored. sudo -s gives you the user's environment, so your ~/.bashrc is respected. Here is an example, you can see that I have an application lsl in my ~/.bin/ directory which is accessible via sudo -s but not accessible with sudo -i.
unix - Command: sudo su - - Super User
'sudo su -' has a child of 'su -', and 'su -' has a child of '-su'. As mentioned above, root user can do 'su -' without entering password, so doing 'su -' inside of a root shell, you will have two different root shell processes. ending the inner one will let you return back to the outer one.
linux - What does "sudo -s" actually do? - Super User
2011年7月6日 · sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.-s Shell, runs the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell as specified in passwd(5). More seriously, the sudo -s run a shell environment variable.
sudo - Sudoers file, enable NOPASSWD for user, all commands
2013年8月19日 · Preface. This is a fairly complex question related to the sudoers file and the sudo command in general. NOTE: I have made these changes on a dedicated machine running Ubuntu Desktop 13.04, that I use purely for learning purposes.
shell - Why is sudo bash needed? - Super User
The infamous sudo is an acronym of sorts for Superuser Do. It basically make a normal user a Super user for a short while. In your command sudo bash , effectively you are saying Superuser do --> a Bourne shell ( bash ) Which opens a root user logged in shell. If you just ran sudo the operating system wouldn't know what to do.
Why can't I use the sudo command with this user?
2021年11月13日 · sudo is a root-delegation tool. The root can delegate specific tasks to a user, or give general root access to a user (or group for that matter). If a normal user would be able to give himself root permissions, that would be a huge security issue. That is the reason why /etc/sudoers is only editable by root.
How do I add a user to the "sudo" group? - Ask Ubuntu
Use usermod. Add the sudo permission with the following command: usermod -aG sudo <your username> Please note that you'll have to use the root account to do this or use another account that has sudo permissions.
sudo - How do I login as root? - Ask Ubuntu
sudo apt install ntp sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf sudo systemctl restart ntp If the user has authorization, sudo asks for the user's password before executing the command indicated (this validation is cached some time so we haven't to insert the password at every sudo command).
linux - command not found when using sudo - Super User
2014年1月31日 · I have edited /root/.bashrc but am not able to source it: sudo source /root/.bashrc gets: sudo: source: command not found and without the sudo I get permission denied(as expected). i believe starting a new terminal should in theory do the same as source, but after starting a new terminal, sudo mvn --version still does not find anything.
sudo: unable to resolve host {hostname}: Temporary failure in …
2021年6月4日 · As alternative you can try one from google: type in as root (without sudo) echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf a second hint might be a wrong default route ip route should list a default route via your router / gateway ip. If not you can create such a route with sudo ip route add default via <routerip> –