Summer - Raz-Plus
Concept (nonfiction), 16 words, Level aa (Grade K), Lexile 30L. Summer explores some of the things associated with summer. Simple text supports early emergent readers. Use of Kurzweil 3000® formatted books requires the purchase of Kurzweil 3000 software at www.kurzweiledu.com.
Summer - Raz-Kids
Summer explores some of the things associated with summer. Simple text supports early emergent readers.
Riptide Raz - Fortnite Wiki
Riptide Raz is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite, that can be purchased with the Boardwalk Warriors Pack in the Item Shop for 2,400 V-Bucks. Riptide Raz was first released in Chapter 3: Season 3 and is part of the Summer Sunstrikers Set.
Summer School | Reading A-Z - Raz-Plus
Access a number of summer reading resources and skill-based theme packs ideal for summer school sessions of any duration. With Learning A-Z's summer school resources, teachers have access to a robust collection of lessons and reading materials that support whole-class, small-group, and individual learning.
英语启蒙|分级阅读Raz AA-26《Summer》拓展打卡 - 哔哩哔哩
今天这一本就是来带小朋友们一起回顾一下夏天~?做Quiz联系的时候,小墨墨居然会把墨镜、和饮料罐挑出来,这个让我比较惊喜,真的还是要让小朋友自己大胆地说、大胆地想?因为最近开始教小墨墨字母音,所以以后raz的更新都会融入进来一些~3岁以下的宝宝 ...
RAZ分级阅读绘本资源(绘本及配套音视频/练习册/讲解课程)全 …
2024年10月6日 · RAZ,全称为 Reading A-Z,是一套广泛应用于美国学校的在线分级阅读教材。该教材帮助孩子从听说过渡到阅读,涵盖了常识、天文、地理、历史、童话、人文、动植物等多个领域,深受家长和孩子的喜爱。
RAZ绘本分级阅读2RAZ AA级-Summer - 百家号
RAZ分级阅读中的 AA级 绘本《Summer》 是专门为刚开始学习阅读的儿童设计的。 该绘本的主题围绕 夏天 展开,通过描述夏季的特点和活动,帮助儿童理解与夏天相关的词汇和概念。 想要获取RAZ电子绘本资源,可以微xin小程序-“raz绘本阅读器”,领上万本海量raz绘本资源。 1. 主题: 这本书介绍了夏天的各种特征和活动,例如阳光明媚的天气、去海滩、玩水、吃冰淇淋、穿夏装等。 这些日常场景能够帮助孩子们理解夏天的概念,以及在夏天常见的活动。 2. 简单句型: 每一 …
热门分级阅读:RAZ-aa级第28本《Summer》译文分享 - 爱贝亲子网
2021年5月25日 · 热门分级阅读:RAZ-aa级第28本《Summer》译文分享 ,爱贝亲子网
Summer - Raz-Plus
Summer explores some of the things associated with summer. Simple text supports early emergent readers. Lesson plans exist for the English version of this book. Make, revise, and confirm predictions to understand text.
Summer Contracts & Journals - Reading A-Z
To avoid the usual loss of literacy skills over the summer months, encourage students to continue reading over the break. Reading A-Z provides thousands of engaging texts that are easily printed and assembled so students can bring the library home and continue to practice their reading skills and prepare for success in the coming school year!