SUMO4 promotes SUMO deconjugation required for DNA double …
2025年3月6日 · Here, we reveal that human SUMO4 is required to prevent excessive DNA-damage-induced SUMOylation and deleterious over-accumulation of RAP80. Mechanistically we show that SUMO4 acts independently of its conjugation and potentiates SENP1 catalytic activity.
Crosstalk between SUMOylation and ubiquitylation controls DNA …
2022年9月1日 · Here, we show that MRE11 requires SUMOylation to shield it from ubiquitin-mediated degradation when resecting damaged chromatin. Upon DSB induction, PIAS1 promotes MRE11 SUMOylation on chromatin...
Regulation of DNA double-strand break repair by ubiquitin and
2016年5月23日 · Post-translational modification of proteins by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers (UBLs) including SUMO have crucial and widespread roles in promoting cellular responses to DNA double-strand...
Mammalian SUMO E3-ligases PIAS1 and PIAS4 promote …
2009年12月17日 · Attachment of small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) to target proteins controls diverse cellular functions 3, 4, 5, 6. Here, we show that SUMO1, SUMO2 and SUMO3 accumulate at DSB sites in...
2025年3月6日 · Here, we reveal that human SUMO4 is required to prevent excessive DNA-damage-induced SUMOylation and deleterious over-accumulation of RAP80. Mech-anistically we show that SUMO4 acts independently of its conjugation and potentiates SENP1 catalytic ac-tivity.
【精品综述】蛋白质SUMO化修饰 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SUMO化可以发挥多种作用:改变底物与DNA、RNA或其他蛋白质的相互作用,改变蛋白构象或酶活性,以及调节其他修饰。 SUMO交互基序(SIM):包含一个疏水残基的核心,其之前或后面是带负电荷的氨基酸;它们将SUMO上的疏水口袋与邻近的碱性残基接触。 多个SIM与SUMO链的结合,增强SUMO-SIM关联。 当修饰被SUMO特异性蛋白酶或去溶蛋白酶去除时,SUMO化的作用可以被逆转。 第二部分 SUMO会影响原子核的结构和功能. 21世纪初,在对SUMO和SUMO化 …
Cancer Res:郑晓峰团队揭示SUMO化修饰通过调控相分离影 …
不同类型的dna损伤修复对于维持基因组稳定性至关重要,针对最严重的dna双链断裂损伤(dsb),细胞主要通过 非同源末端连接 (nhej)与同源末端重组(hr)进行修复。
SUMOylation of HNRNPA2B1 modulates RPA dynamics during …
2023年2月16日 · HNRNPA2B1 SUMO associates with RPA through recognizing the SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) of RPA to inhibit RPA accumulation at replication forks and impede local ATR activation. Declining HNRNPA2 SUMO induced by DNA damage will release nuclear soluble RPA to localize to chromatin and enable ATR activation.
SUMO in the DNA Double-Stranded Break Response: Similarities ...
2017年11月10日 · SUMO has an extensive impact on the sequential ordering of the cellular response to DSBs and directs both Ub conjugation and deconjugation within the DSB repair pathway [9], [10], [75], [77]. HERC2 promotes the activity of the first Ub ligase associated with DSBs, RNF8, via interaction with the K63-specific E2 enzyme Ubc13 [110] .
Choreographing the Double Strand Break Response: Ubiquitin and SUMO …
The cellular response to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is a multifaceted signaling program that centers on post-translational modifications including phosphorylation, ubiquitylation and SUMOylation. In this review we discuss how ubiquitin and SUMO ...