sunglint - 百度百科
Sunglint: Sunglint is a phenomenon that occurs when the sun reflects off the surface of the ocean at the same angle that a satellite sensor is viewing the surface. 太空人能在低地球轨道时 …
Sunglint - Wikipedia
Sunglint is a phenomenon that occurs when sunlight reflects off the surface of the ocean at the same angle that a satellite or other sensor is viewing the surface. In the affected area of the …
Sun Glint Correction of High and Low Spatial Resolution Images …
Sun glint, the specular reflection of light from water surfaces, is a serious confounding factor for remote sensing of water column properties and benthos. This paper reviews current …
Sunglint | NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and ...
When looking at satellite imagery, you may see bright areas of light, mainly over bodies of water, that gleam or sparkle with unusual color. This effect is known as sunglint, and is where …
The Science of Sunglint - NASA Earth Observatory
2014年9月11日 · That gleam is caused by sunglint, an optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight reflects off the surface of water at the same angle that a satellite sensor views it. The …
Sun Glint :: Ocean Optics Web Book
2021年2月13日 · For the glint correction, atmospheric attenuation occurs first along the path of the Sun’s direct solar beam as the Sun’s beam travels from the TOA to the sea surface; the …
太阳耀斑校正综述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月16日 · 《Sun Glint Correction of High and Low Spatial Resolution Images of Aquatic Scenes: a Review of Methods for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelengths》文献阅读(2009 …
Sun Glint - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
2009年7月9日 · Sun glint is direct, specular, forward reflection from an optically smooth (mirror) surface, such as water, glass, or metal, in which the angle of incident sun light equals the …
Sun Glint Correction Based on BRDF Model for Improving the HY …
2023年1月16日 · The results indicate that the BRDF model is useful in the sun glint correction of visible bands and leading to more HY-1C/COCTS clear-sky coverage, as consequence can be …
The Science of Sunglint - SciTechDaily
2021年10月9日 · That gleam is caused by sunglint, an optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight reflects off the surface of water at the same angle that a satellite sensor views it. The …