・任GS/GSD何装置上 系,可可以与忽R22、R717、R290、R1233zd(E)略压缩机种类或在HCFC蒸发温度 制的冷条件下使用于・GSD 系列具有增强的消泡性能, 因此可以解决启动时的起泡剂现稳象定问使题用。 为和您安的全。 压缩机提供高效能. 其其化优异的低温效能, 导清学洁稳功定能性可令减使少用寿命延不致会压出堵塞堵机、阀 成本下降。 系塞统沉蜡积沉物积的物。 残存。
Suniso - Suniso GS Range
GS lubricants are premium quality, highly-refined mineral refrigeration fluids designed to lubricate refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors using CFC and HCFC refrigerants. Suniso GS fluids are known for their low wax content, low pour point and high dielectric strength.
SUNISO GS/GSD series is the premium naphthenic refrigeration oil, which performs excellently with various refrigerants. Highly stable, long trouble-free life, and essentially wax free. It can be stably used with the natural refrigerants such as R717, R290. Natural refrigerants.
“Suniso GS” series are premium quality mineral oils specially formulated for use as refrigeration compressor lubricants. “Suniso GS” series have excellent lubricity not only with HC, CFC and HCFC refrigerants. “Suniso GS” series are from specially selected naphthenic oils by sophisticated methods, assuring excellent lubricity and other properties.
Product Data Sheet SUNISO GS Series (3GS 4GS 5GS)
Product_Data_Sheet_SUNISO_GS_Series_ (3GS_4GS_5GS) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides information about Suniso GS series refrigeration oils for use with HC, HCFC and ammonia refrigerants. The oils are designed to be stable and wax-free for use in refrigeration compressors.
SUNISO 3GS 冷凍機油 - 英光冷凍空調器材有限公司
可能是世界上最普遍使用的冷凍機油。 它是由精選的環烷基油提煉而成,粘度約為33cSt(37.8℃)。 各大壓縮機及設備生產商皆核準使用。
SUNISO GS Oils are premium quality oils expressly designed for use as refrigeration compressor lubricants. SUNISO GS Oils are miscible well with HCFC and CFC refrigerants such as R-22, R-502, and R-12 while featuring excellent stability and giving long trouble-free service life in the refrigeration systems using refrigerants.
Suniso 3GS Refrigerant oil – International Industrial Mall
Highly stable, essentially wax free, thus providing excellent low temperature properties and assuring long trouble-free life. Suniso GS oils can be used in virtually any installation, regardless of compressor or evaporation temperature and are …
3gs refrigeration oil. properties guaranteed test method limits. viscosity, sus @ 100°f astm d2161 150/160 . api gravity @ 60°f astm d4052 22.5/25.5 . specific gravity @ 15°c astm d4052 0.9013/0.9188 . flash point, coc, °c astm d92 166 min. pour point, °c astm d97 -40 max. floc point, °c ashrae 86 -51 max.
[SUNOCO]써니소 3GS/SUNISO 3GS OIL /냉동유/냉동오일/MO/4L …
제품명 : 써니소 3GS; 제조회사 : SUNOCO; 적용 용도 : 일반소형 및 산업용냉동기 등; R-11, R-12, R-22, R-502; 점도 : 29.5; 성분 : MO(Mineral Oil)
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