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Premium quality, highly-refined mineral refrigeration fluids designed to lubricate refrigeration and air conditioning compressors using CFC and HCFC refrigerants. NEED SUNISO? Find out where you can purchase Suniso in your region. Why Suniso?
Sunoco Sunvis 868 Hydraulic Oil - Petroleum Service Company
Sunoco Sunvis 868 Hydraulic Oil. Sunoco Sunvis 800 series hydraulic oils are highly refined, excellent quality, anti-wear hydraulic fluids that are recommended for use in a wide range of applications. They are designed for use in piston, gear pumps, and vane pumps used in industrial and mobile hydraulic systems.
- 评论数: 1
SUNISO® 3GS Refrigeration Oil L316; L318; L321; L324; L350; L351; L354; :357 SDS Revision Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/07/2019 Page 5 of 10 SAFETY DATA SHEET None known, refer to hazardous combustion products in Section 5. Hazardous decomposition products: Routes …
L318 (3GS) SUNISO Mineral Refrigeration Oil - SupplyHouse.com
2023年3月17日 · Parker Hannifin 475328 - L318 (3GS) SUNISO Mineral Refrigeration Oil - 150 SUS, 1 Gallon (ISO 32)- Suniso premium naphthenic based refrigeration and A/C oils have been the AC/R industry standard for over 40 years because of the long trouble-free service records of systems that have used Suniso refrigeration oils .
- 评论数: 2
“Suniso GS” series are premium quality mineral oils specially formulated for use as refrigeration compressor lubricants. “Suniso GS” series have excellent lubricity not only with HC, CFC and HCFC refrigerants. “Suniso GS” series are from specially selected naphthenic oils by sophisticated methods, assuring excellent lubricity and other properties.
10 Essential Oils for Sinus Infection and Sinus Congestion
2018年2月25日 · Essential oils for sinus infection contain many therapeutic compounds that help ease a stuffy nose, sinus pressure and coughing. Essentials oils like eucalyptus, tea tree oil, lavender oil, and thyme oil help to cut through mucus and congestion that builds up …
Sunis Oil MSDS | PDF | Sodium | Materials - Scribd
Sunis Oil MSDS - Free download as (.rtf), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides an overview of Suniso SL 100, a synthetic polyol ester lubricant and fuel component. It notes that the product is not hazardous according to OSHA criteria and has a flashpoint of 100°C.
4gs refrigeration oil . properties guaranteed test method limits . viscosity, sus @ 100°f astm d2161 280/300 . specific gravity @ 15°c astm d4052 0.910/0.928 . flash point, coc, °c astm d92 171 min. pour point, °c astm d97 -34 max. floc point, °c ashrae 86 -46 max. total acid number, mg koh/g astm d974 0.03 max.
Oil type Mineral (MN) Naphthenic (Hydro-Treated) Supplier Brand name BP Energol LPT F-32 Bitzer B 5.2 (=MN/AB) Bitzer G68 Carrier Totaline refrigeration oil 150 Castrol Icematic 266 Fuchs Reniso KM 32 or MS 32 Maneurop 160P Mobil Gargoyle Arctic 155 …
SUNISO น้ำมันคอมเพรสเซอร์ 5GS | แสงชัยกรุ๊ป
Suniso Oil products are mineral oil for premium quality AC compressor oil, designed for use on refrigeration compressor engines. Oli Suniso 5GS is able to work well on systems that use …
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