Benelli M3 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The Benelli M3 (Super 90) is a dual-mode (both pump-action and semi-automatic) shotgun manufactured by Benelli Arms SpA. Along with the M3, there is another variant of the weapon in the Rainbow Six Universe.
SUPER 90 霰弹枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
M3超级90霰弹枪采用与M1超级90霰弹枪相同的惯性后坐自动系统(ID原理),但增加了泵动机构,射手可以迅速地把半自动模式转换成用泵动模式,这种双装填系统也被伯奈利公司申请了专利。 射击选择杆是前托前端的一个有凸边的转环,把控制杆逆时针转动并向前推,就可以使前托与枪管连接环闭锁,进行半自动射击;把控制杆逆时针转动并向后拉,就可以解脱前托,使之能作前后往复循环运动,同时锁住惯性簧使武器不能实现自动装填,而要像普通泵动方式一样手动抛壳、 …
Super 90 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The Super 90 is an Italian shotgun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation Black Ice expansion pack and is available for use by Frost and Melusi.
彩虹六号各方面最优秀的喷子是哪把? - 知乎
r6里,霰弹枪分五大类:泵动式、半自动、全自动、独头弹、副手. 评价一把霰弹枪好不好,不能只说枪的性能,还要和干员的速度和角色定位联系在一起看。 一把一把地谈: 一、泵动式霰弹枪
Super 90 (Disambig) - Rainbow Six Wiki
The Super 90 is a series of pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns produced by Benelli Arms SpA. Three variants of the series are featured in several installments of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Franchise: Benelli M1; Benelli M3; Benelli M4.
《彩虹六号围攻》全武器枪械原型图鉴_JTF2-super 90-游民星空 …
2018年4月14日 · 《彩虹六号围攻》每把武器的设计都是借鉴或者仿照现实中的枪械设计的,各位玩家知道哪些枪械的原型呢? 下面就为大家带来一篇《彩虹六号围攻》全武器枪械原型一览,一起来看看吧。
Can you get super 90 black ice? - Gaming Pedia - NCESC
2024年6月18日 · Yes, you can get the Black Ice skin for the Super 90 shotgun in Rainbow Six Siege. It is available as a rare drop in both Alpha Packs and Bravo Packs. However, the chances of obtaining this skin are quite low, so it may take some time and luck to get it.
Frost's SUPER 90 is the only weapon you can BUY the Black Ice ... - Reddit
2018年3月18日 · I just bought it and there's black ice skin for Super-90 AND the SMG. You get both from the bundle.
Rainbow Six Siege Weapons: Shotguns - Liquipedia
This page list all the playable shotguns in Rainbow Six Siege. The full list of weapons can be found here.
The Super 90 is good now? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
Post-nerf, nobody used the Super 90. It seemed weak and unreliable; i tried it myself and could only agree. I've now seen a number of posts extolling it as the best shotgun in the game. Can anyone validate this? Did it get shadow buffed? Or am I just misremembering?