Super Castlevania IV -- who has actually beaten this game?
That was the game that cemented, in my mind, the greater power of the SNES over the NES. I played Castlevania 1, 2 & 3 quite a bit, so the evolutionary elements of the new game really stood out. I tried the game at an in store demo and the 8 way whip just felt amazing. Still a bit stiff, like all castlevania games.
Is it just me, it might be, but is Super Castlevania 4 a ... - Reddit
2021年12月27日 · Castlevania 4 just feels like such a step back and uninspired atmosphereless rushed game. Like they took the series I love and said what we need to do is make this like Adventure Island. Then you slog through level after level and boss after boss that you can mostly defeat by just standing there flaying them into oblivion while they hit you.
Super Castlevania 4 Review : r/castlevania - Reddit
2023年11月8日 · Here's a quick review of my thoughts after beating "Super Castlevania 4" on the SNES Classic Edition. + Graphics have a very unique gothic art style that holds up very well. + Music is downright incredible. Love the use of organs and flutes. + Levels variety is very well done from visiting a castle to a swamp to an underground cavern.
Is Super Castlevania 4 actually a sequel to Simon's Quest?
2021年12月30日 · The documents that outline 4’s plot in outside material also coincide with 4 just being a remake of 1. It’s just the American version wanted a cool tag line I suppose. The Lay out is different in most Simon retellings. Not as vast as it is in 4, but HC looks completely different and that’s an altered retelling of 1.
2017年9月23日 · The top post answered it for me. Super castlevania 4 is a great game and Dracula x isn't bad, but it's not the same 4 has incredible music, whipping in all directions, a reasonable difficulty curve. Fair gameplay, great control. Amazing level design and music which really optimize the snes. Dracula x is just not as good In any of those ways.
Snes Castle Vania bout. Super Castlevania 4 Vs Castlevania
2016年3月25日 · Castlevania 3 is arguably superior to both in that it offers multiple characters, multiple paths, and a very difficult but fair challenge level. 4 redeems itself by having one of the greatest soundtracks in the SNES library and the presentation is outstanding for …
What was the better game? Super Castlevania 4 or Bloodlines
2023年4月6日 · Super Castlevania IV: emphasis on the whip (twirling and whipping até right direcions), many different paths, that kickass theme... Bloodlines: two playable characters, travelling all Europe instead of just sticking to Dracula's Castle, and tying the game's story to botg world history (Elizabeth Bartley having causes World War I) and the ...
I don't get the Super Castlevania IV hype : r/snes - Reddit
I played symphony of the night and order of ecclesia before super 4 and I was underwhelmed a little too. It’s pretty fun but I rate castlevania 3, sotn, Rondo of Blood, and Bloodlines above super 4. I do love the whip in any direction though! Try out Rondo and Bloodlines if you can they are both really really good.
Is Super Castlevania 4 meant to be played in 1 go? : r/castlevania
2022年6月20日 · I started playing Super Castlevania 4 in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. While the compilation has a save feature, I wanted to play how you would’ve played it on a super nintendo and the only way to get a password is to get a game over.
Castlevania Chronicles is a better remake of Castlevania 1 than …
2021年12月10日 · It also came out two years prior to this one, and while chronicles was closer to the original, I felt 4’s additions didn’t detract from the experience at all. The 8 way whipping made vertical stages much more enjoyable, the swinging rings added some swag, and the boss rush at the end are a few favorite thoughts with 4.