View topic - Cloud Confirmed For Super Smash Flash 2?
2019年3月21日 · " Snake was previously confirmed in Super Smash Flash 2 as part of the initial roster for the game. However, following the release of v0.7 of the SSF2 Demo, the developers revamped the whole roster in order to accommodate some new, unexpected characters. Currently, Snake's fate as a playable character is unknown. " _____
Super Smash Brothers Crusade: !!!0.9.1 RELEASED!!!
2017年11月1日 · Super Smash Bros. Crusade is a large project built from the ground up and started by three die-hard Smash Bros. fans, Phantom7, Falcon8r, and Dr.MarioX. Our goal is to create a Smash Bros. game packed with characters and stages from the most memorable video games of all time as well as create a Smash Bros. experience that combines the greatest ...
View topic - SSF Strategy Guide - McLeodGaming
2008年8月15日 · rat3000chet's Super Sonic Strategy: Once you unlock Super Sonic, just use his spin dash over and over. Taz91's Inuyasha Strategy: INUYASHA 1. Run around on the bottom platform using constant forward smash attack 2. Use …
Flashified! An SSF2-Inspired Sprite and Pixel Art Post
2017年5月31日 · However, this isn't any normal artwork, as it has been inspired by the wonderful Lisnovski. Flashified is a series where I will create sprites, sprite sheets and even Super Smash Flash 2-related portraits of characters from video games, my own projects and even other people characters who aren't or won't possibly be in this game.
View topic - How to make ssf2 60fps?? - McLeodGaming
2018年11月1日 · I have been playing the web browser version of ssf2 and ssf1 for a couple of years now, and have only just noticed that you can download the game. The only problem is, is that I lag alot. I have a gaming computer that runs almost every game with an absurd amount of frames and was wondering how to cap the game to 60fps instead of 30.
Super Smash Flash, How it Got your Attention - McLeodGaming
2020年4月15日 · Super Smash Flash 1, I remember seeing it in 2006 on Newgrounds with my brother. My brother didn't pay all too much mind to it when he saw it on the front page, but I managed to get him to click it for my childhood memories of Super Smash Bros. 64. 13 different characters on screen to choose from, with 10 unlock-ables.
McLeodGaming - View topic - My game won't load. Help please!
2020年3月13日 · The McLeodGaming forums were permanently closed on April 30th, 2020. You are currently viewing a read-only archive.
Guide to Setting Up Nintendo Wii U Adapter With SSF2 Beta
2017年10月9日 · Currently Playing: Gundam Wing: Endless Dual | Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code | Super Smash Bros. Brawl Re: Guide to Setting Up Wii U Adapter With SSF2 Beta I'm pretty sure the guide is for people who own a Official Adapter, and don't want to buy another accessory just to play this game when they already have one that can be made to work.
McLeodGaming - View topic - Echo fighters in Super Smash Flash 2?
2020年7月15日 · I'd say it's a solid MAYBE. For one thing, I'd imagine making an echo of another fighter in SSF2 wouldn't be quite as effortless as in an official Smash game, simply because SSF2 is a Flash sprite game as opposed to a 2.5D model based game. and all the sprites will have to be created by hand, which may not be worth it for characters so similar.
SSF2 Beta Bug Report/Troubleshooting Thread - McLeodGaming
2018年10月13日 · ERR CODE: 009". After that, the only way to fix it is to close the game and reopen. If I were to just start the match again, the waiting room turns into the stage we would be playing on and I wouldn't be able to start the match. If it happens and I go reopen the room without closing the game no one would be able to join.