约 3,770,000 个结果
  1. Storm surge - Wikipedia

    A storm surge, storm flood, tidal surge, or storm tide is a coastal flood or tsunami-like phenomenon of rising water commonly associated with low-pressure weather systems, such as cyclones. It is measured as the rise in water level above the …

  2. The Influence of Storm Size on Hurricane Surge - AMETSOC

    2008年9月1日 · However, Hurricane Katrina demonstrated that wind speed alone cannot reliably describe surge. Herein it is shown that storm size plays an important role in surge generation, particularly for very intense storms making landfall in mildly sloping regions.

  3. Surge | Definition, Examples, & Facts | Britannica

    surge, in meteorology, an atmospheric process that operates on oceans and inland waters whereby a change in atmospheric pressure or a high-velocity wind works in conjunction with normal gravitational tides to produce dramatic changes in oceanic circulation, and, oftentimes, flooding in coastal areas.

  4. Correlating Storm Surge Heights with Tropical Cyclone Winds at …

    2014年3月1日 · Statistical analysis indicates that storm surge heights correlate better with prelandfall tropical cyclone winds than with wind speeds at landfall. Wind speeds 18 h before landfall correlated best with surge heights. Raising wind speeds to exponential powers produced the best wind–surge fit.

  5. Storm Surge Overview - National Hurricane Center

    Storm surge is primarily caused by the strong onshore winds of a hurricane or tropical storm. The wind circulation around the eye of a hurricane causes a vertical circulation in the ocean. While in deep water, there is no indication of storm surge because there is …

  6. Storm Surge - Education

    2024年6月25日 · A storm surge is a rise in sea level that occurs during tropical cyclones, intense storms also known as typhoons or hurricanes. The storms produce strong winds that push the water into shore, which can lead to flooding .

  7. Tropical cyclone - Storm Surge, Wind Damage, Flooding | Britannica

    2025年1月11日 · A storm surge accompanying an intense tropical cyclone can be as high as 6 metres (20 feet). Most of the surge is caused by friction between the strong winds in the storm’s eyewall and the ocean surface, which piles water up in the direction that the wind is blowing.

  8. Storm Surge - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

    Storm surge is defined as the abnormal rise of water caused by strong winds, such as those from tropical cyclones or winter storms, leading to water levels rising above the astronomical tide. It can result in inundation along coastlines and large lakes due to the vertical motion in the ocean generated by the wind stress.

  9. Storm Surge - About - MDL - Virtual Lab

    Real-Time Ensemble: Since the primary uncertainty in storm surge guidance is the uncertainty of the wind, MDL has created two real-time ensemble versions. For the tropical version, MDL created the Probabilistic tropical-cyclone storm Surge (P-Surge) model by using the National Hurricane Center's (NHC) official forecast and its 5-year average errors to derive an ensemble of SLOSH model runs.

  10. Storm surge: Explaining the fury and science behind one of …

    Storm surge is an above-normal rise in seawater along the coast caused by a tropical storm or hurricane and exceeding normal astronomical tides. "These tropical cyclones generate enough wind...