A Sus 4 Chord On The Guitar (A Suspended 4) - Online Guitar …
The A sus 4 (A suspended 4) chord contains the notes A, D and E. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 4 and 5 of the A Major scale. Here's how to play the A sus 4 chord.
Sus4 chords on guitar - Guitar chords
Sus4 chords are formed with the second note in the chord raised one step. In addition to sus4, there is sus2. In the case nothing more than "sus" is mentioned, for example Dsus, it's …
香甜的瑞士空气——WEISS DAC502-MK2-4ch
2023年12月15日 · 跟一代的区别主要是模拟输出卡整个焕新支持4ch输出,当然只有一组RCA一组XLR,具体的接法还是得看说明。 客厅2.0+耳机党就无福消受了,但是不要觉得用不上4ch的 …
Suspended chord - Wikipedia
A suspended chord (or sus chord) is a musical chord in which the (major or minor) third is omitted and replaced with a perfect fourth or a major second. [1] The lack of a minor or a major third in …
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and …
Sus4 Chords - Zebra Keys
In this lesson, you will learn about the sus 4 chord. Sus is short for suspension. The sus 4 chord is similar to the major chord, except that the middle note of the sus 4 chord, in root position, is an …
A sus4 Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering (A Suspended 4)
Forming a sus4 chord usually involves your 4th finger, and gives a bright color to the chord. Sus chords have no third interval note, instead the sus4 has a fourth. It gives an open, restless …
Sus 4th Chords - Chords With A Suspended 4th - Music Theory …
Suspended 4th chords work similarly to Suspended 2nd chords. essentially we can take any major or minor triad, eliminate the third and replace it with a fourth, and voila, we have a sus4 …
4chan - Wikipedia
4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. Launched by Christopher "moot" Poole in October 2003, the site hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from video …
sus4 Suspended Fourth Chord (1, 4, 5) from the Chord Finder
The sus4 chord is formed by the intervals root (1), perfect fourth (4) and perfect fifth (5). In this chord thus sound the notes B ♭, E ♭ and F. To hear the B♭sus4, click on the chord diagram. To …