唤魔者 - 中文 Minecraft Wiki
唤魔者(Evoker) 是一种施展法术进行尖牙攻击和召唤 恼鬼 的 灾厄村民。 它们是 不死图腾 的唯一来源。 唤魔者会自然生成于 林地府邸,且在最初生成后不会再次生成。 在 Java版 中,在林地府邸生成的唤魔者不会自然消失。 唤魔者可以作为袭击事件的一部分生成。 1 不死图腾, 抢夺 魔咒不会增加其掉落数量。 0–1 绿宝石,如果被 玩家 杀死。 每一级抢夺魔咒会多掉落1个,最大掉落数量是4。 1 不祥旗帜,如果在 袭击 中是作为本波次队长或者已经从地上捡起了旗帜。 [仅 …
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Devastation Evoker DPS Guide - The War Within 11.1 - Wowhead
2025年3月10日 · Welcome to Wowhead's Patch 11.1 & Season 2 Devastation Evoker guide. This guide will help you master your Devastation Evoker in all aspects of the game including raids and dungeons. Do you like dragons? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly above your enemies while raining down volcanic death from above?
Evoker - Minecraft Wiki
An evoker is a spell-casting illager found in woodland mansions and raids, and the only source of the totem of undying. It uses two spells to attack; one that summons armor-piercing fangs and one that summons vexes.
唤魔者 - 百度百科
唤魔者(Evoker)是沙盒游戏《Minecraft》中的角色。 唤魔者,一种攻击型生物,它是4种灾厄村民(illager)之一,其他三种分别是掠夺者、卫道士和幻术师。
Augmentation Evoker DPS Guide - The War Within 11.1
2025年3月15日 · The Augmentation Evoker is a ranged DPS specialization unlike anything ever seen before in World of Warcraft. Augmentation uses the fearsome power of the Black Dragonflight to take control of the battlefield, capable of turning the tides of battle through unmatched support and utility, and by enhancing the strengths of the allies around them.
Best Devastation Evoker Talent Tree Builds - The War Within 11.1
2025年3月10日 · Here are all the best Devastation Evoker Talent Tree builds in the Patch 11.1 & Season 2 for raids and Mythic+, including export links to import these builds directly into the game. For recommended talent builds for each raid boss and Mythic+ dungeon, check out our Liberation of Undermine Raid Page and Mythic+ page.
Evoker Is Sus | Minecraft Indonesia - YouTube
villager sus | Minecraft Skins - The Skindex
View, comment, download and edit villager sus Minecraft skins.
When The Sus Evoker Sabotages Your Allay - YouTube
Today I Made It So Evokers Can Turn Allays Into Vexes. Probably Their Older Brother Or That One Sibling That You Never Want To See XD.