econometrics - SUTVA vs. independence - Cross Validated
SUTVA is distinct from the usual independence of errors assumption made in regression models. For example, OLS is still unbiased even if errors are not independent of each other. But when …
causality - Is the SUTVA an assumption about the distribution of ...
2019年9月26日 · Rubin, 2005 says that the SUTVA assumption is: In any case, the depiction in Figure 1 requires assumptions for it to be adequate—in particular, SUTVA (stable unit …
Connecting potential outcomes, SUTVA, and regression methods
2021年3月22日 · My understanding is that OLS can still give unbiased parameter estimates even with correlated errors. SUTVA and iid are two completely separate and unrelated issues. You …
What is the difference between SUTVA and Ignorability?
2021年11月17日 · $\begingroup$ At the start of section 2.5, in block quote: "SUTVA is simply the a priori assumption that the value of Y for unit u when exposed to treatment t will be the same …
What are the assumptions of the permutation test?
2020年5月28日 · Essentially, SUTVA says that there is no interference between units and that the treatment conditions are the same for all recipients. More formally, SUTVA assumes …
Consequences (and Solutions) of Violating SUTVA in a DID Design
2022年12月13日 · As a result, it seems like SUTVA will inherently be violated in any form of causal analysis in this area of study. Can the consequence be stated as simply you will have a …
causality - Strong ignorability: confusion on the relationship …
2020年6月29日 · In the research area of potential outcomes and individual treatment effect (ITE) estimation, a common assumption called ''strong ignorability'' is often made. Given a graphical …
causality - Practical example for (conditional) ignorability in ...
2021年10月28日 · Within the potential outcomes framework (Rubin Causal Model), I find that most sources efficiently explain ignorability and conditional ignorability algebraically. As far as I …
causality - Why do we talk about "everybody vs nobody" scenarios …
2023年8月30日 · Let me jump to point (4): What you are outlining here is a violation of the stable unit treatment value assumption (usually abbreviated SUTVA and also known as no …
Is there a difference between ignorability and strong ignorability?
2022年2月15日 · The whole idea around ignorability is still leaving me a bit confused. I did read this post from the site: Strong ignorability: confusion on the relationship between outcomes …