Job Details - resapp.swri.org
Eventually step into a supervisory roll to provide day to day management of the radiation effects laboratory. Work on mechanical and electrical upgrades to very old facility including enhanced safety and security improvements. Provide backup for remote source handling and device loading and unloading. Provide over site and backup for ...
Southwest Research Institute - Wikipedia
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is an independent and nonprofit applied research and development (R&D) organization. Founded in 1947 by oil businessman Tom Slick, [1] it provides contract research and development services to government and industrial clients.
美国西南研究院简介 - 百度百科
美国西南研究院(Southwest Research Institute®, SwRI®)在众多科学领域中享有极高的国际声誉,为工业界和政府机构提供优质的科研开发、工程和试验技术咨询服务;应用多学科的综合途径来解决科学和应用技术中各种复杂的问题。
Retiree Open Enrollment is October 14 through October 25, 2024, which overlaps with Medicare open enrollment. Your 2024 benefits automatically roll over into 2025. No action is required on your part if you are keeping the same plans and level of benefits coverage as last year.
Advanced Power Systems - Southwest Research Institute
Southwest Research Institute is a leader in advanced power systems, including the design, analysis, prototype fabrication, and testing of turbomachinery such as gas turbines, compressors, pumps, wind turbines, and motors from kW-scale to utility-scale.
2022年1月18日 · 美国西南研究院(swri)与政府和商业合作者合作,成功开发并演示了世界上第一个用于聚光太阳能发电(csp)厂的超临界二氧化碳发电系统的全尺寸涡轮机。
Southwest Research Institute | San Antonio, TX - Cause IQ
2023年9月1日 · Southwest Research Institute conducts innovative applied and basic research, develops and transfers technology, establishes, maintains, and operates research facilities, all while providing a challenging environment. Its mission is to benefit government, industry and the public through innovative science and technology.
SwRI scientists map magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetotail
Analyzing data from NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, a team led by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has found that the small regions in the Earth’s magnetosphere that energize the polar aurora are remarkably calm and nonturbulent.
Embedded Systems Software & Engineering | SwRI
Our embedded systems and software engineers work with multiple disciplines to develop solutions to our clients’ most complex technical challenges. We are also a recognized leader in the applied research and development of mission critical software for space, aerospace and automotive applications.
Home | SwRI Workbench for Offline Robotics Development
SwRI Workbench for Offline Robotics Development™ (SWORD™) is a CAD-based toolkit that can revolutionize the way you deploy advanced robotics for your business. SWORD allows manufacturing engineers to independently utilize complex robotics and simplifies motion planning for seasoned robotics developers.