rest - RESTful API Testbed with Swagger - Stack Overflow
There are a few tools that can read a Swagger definition to created automated tests, though: Assertible is a tool where you can import your Swagger spec to automatically create tests and assertions for every endpoint and method. You can then set up monitoring, post deployment testing, and alerts. (Read the blog Testing an API using Swagger). It ...
c# - Publishing web api with swagger on IIS - Stack Overflow
2020年7月23日 · I am trying figure out how to publish a .net core 3 API with Swagger (SwashBuckle) after following this example documentation . So it works locally and when I hit F5 IIS Express launches the site u...
List of swagger UI alternatives - Stack Overflow
Readme.io - can import from swagger; Lucybot console - supports swagger natively; Postman - can import from swagger; Stoplight - supports swagger natively - editing and reading; Check the following articles for more details: Ultimate Guide to 30+ API Documentation Solutions; Turning Contracts into Beautiful Documentation (focused mainly on Swagger)
Converting Swagger specification JSON to HTML documentation
For Swagger API 3.0, generating Html2 client code from online Swagger Editor works great for me! Share.
CORS issue on Swagger UI - Stack Overflow
2015年9月9日 · I am trying to run Swagger UI on port say 9090 and the Swagger API documentation at 9000 and trying to display the documentation in the UI. I have added the CORS filter on API Documentation server (port 9000) as follows.
How to Export Swagger documentation in PDF and XML files
Swagger2Markup converts a Swagger JSON or YAML file into several AsciiDoc or GitHub Flavored Markdown documents which can be combined with hand-written documentation. AsciiDoc is preferable to Markdown as it has more features.
How to specify if a field is optional or required in …
All fields are optional, unless marked specifically as required. Additionally, and probably an important distinction, non-declared model fields are technically optional too, optional without validation.
How to use 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' in a Swagger Spec
Adding the Authorization header programmatically (Swagger UI 3.x+) If you use Swagger UI and, for some reason, need to add the Authorization header programmatically instead of having the users click "Authorize" and enter the token, you can use the requestInterceptor. This solution is for Swagger UI 3.x+; UI 2.x used a different technique.
rest - Setting the Api Version with Swagger UI - Stack Overflow
2016年3月4日 · I have a REST API developed through the use of Jersey and we document the REST API through swagger-ui. Unfortunately, we did not start versioning the API from day 1. We are now trying to add versioning to the API. The first step I'm taking is I'm trying to update the API version that is displayed by the dynamically generated swagger (html) page.
Adding Basic Authorization for Swagger-UI - Stack Overflow
2015年6月25日 · Swagger UI 3.x. In Swagger UI 3.13.0+, you can use the preauthorizeBasic method to pre-fill the Basic auth username and password for "try it out" calls. Assuming your API definition includes a security scheme for Basic auth: swagger: '2.0' ... securityDefinitions: basicAuth: type: basic security: - basicAuth: []