Michael Swaney - Artworks for Sale & More | Artsy
Michael Swaney’s faux-naïf, whimsical works express a childlike vision of the world. Informed by the rough aesthetic and rebellious spirit of Art Brut artists like Jean Dubuffet and the CoBrA group, Swaney’s paintings, collages, drawings, and …
Michael Swaney - Participating Artists - Simchowitz Gallery
Michael Swaney (b. 1978, Kimberley, British Columbia) is a prolific artist living and working in Barcelona, Spain. For nearly twenty years Swaney has been crafting exuberant paintings, works on paper, ceramics and installations with childlike intensity.
Coralie Swaney Art
the artist . what's new? available paintings . rescue dogs . available prints . multi-media characters . available characters . sculpted character archive ...
Michael Swaney - Castanier Gallery
Michael Swaney (b. 1978, Kimberley, British Columbia) is a prolific artist living and working in Barcelona, Spain. For nearly twenty years Swaney has been crafting exuberant paintings, works on paper, ceramics and installations with childlike intensity.
Michael Swaney | Biography - MutualArt
Swaney works in a variety of media, including painting, collage, sculpture, ceramics, video, and installation. He has exhibited internationally since 2004, with recent exhibitions at No Place (Columbus, OH), GNYP Gallery (Berlin), The Dot Project (London), and Charlotte Fogh Gallery (Aarhus, Denmark).
Michael Swaney | Artist Bio and Art for Sale - Artspace
Michael Swaney’s faux-naïf, whimsical works express a childlike vision of the world. Informed by the rough aesthetic and rebellious spirit of Art Brut artists like Jean Dubuffet and the CoBrA group, Swaney’s paintings, collages, drawings, and ceramics have
Mike Swaney - NBB GALLERY
Michael Swaney (b. 1978, Kimberley, British Columbia) is an artist living and working in Barcelona, Spain. For nearly twenty years, Swaney has been crafting exuberant paintings, works on paper, ceramics and installations. Swaney’s visual universe is expansive and rich, exhibiting a childlike intensity paired with baroq
FAIR | Michael Swaney - URVANITY ART
Known for his expressive painting and sculptures, Swaney invites the viewer to inquire about customs, rituals and objects from the perspective of the absurd. Their eagerness to reproduce situations of our daily life causes that, once introduced in the work, they adhere to a surrealist logic that leaves no one indifferent.
Michael Swaney - Artnet
View Michael Swaney’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices.
Michael Swaney's Art For Sale, Exhibitions & Biography
Explore Michael Swaney's art for sale, exhibitions & biography. Learn more about Michael Swaney's history, browse art & enquire about artworks for sale.