Interview: Q&A with Female Entrepreneurs Making Waves in …
2024年7月21日 · Sweden, known for its progressive ideals and innovative spirit, is home to a vibrant community of female entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and driving change. To gain insight into the secrets of their success, we interviewed some of Sweden’s most influential women in business.
Foreign Strategies: Interview with @ellimacssfx Swedish woman …
Foreign Strategies: Interview with @EllinorRosander @ellimacssfx Swedish woman in Malmo Sweden. We interview Ellinor on feminism, cultural norms and differen...
Do Swedish Girls Find American Guys Attractive? - YouTube
2023年10月8日 · In this video, we delve into the fascinating question - "Do Swedish Girls Like American Guys?" Join us in Stockholm, Sweden as we explore the preferences and perceptions of Swedish Women...
Sweden’s ‘soft girl’ trend that celebrates women quitting work
2024年12月5日 · Sweden has a global reputation for championing gender equality, so why are young women embracing a social media trend that celebrates quitting work? Vilma Larsson, 25, previously had jobs in a...
Swedish Women: 7 Myths & Rumours About Women in Sweden …
Let's find out how Swedish women really are! On this site you will find answers to the seven most common myths and rumours about girls/women in Sweden.
Nataly Lamkén unveils the Concept of a ‘Swedish Woman’
In this conversation with Anna Fehérváry-Ménes for ELLE Magazine in Hungary, Nataly shares her insightful thoughts and personal experiences, drawing comparisons between the work-life balance in different countries. Join Nataly’s observations and gain insights into the dynamic world of motherhood and career pursuits.
We Have Witnessed a Swedish Sports Classic | Sweden Herald
9 小时之前 · We have witnessed a Swedish sports classic. Jonna Sundling's final stretch is perhaps among the absolutely most impressive I've seen during my time following cross-country skiing – and that's for decades. Tears flowed. When Viaplay interviewed women's coach Andreas Domeij, tears flowed, both of relief and happiness. This is insanely crazy ...
Interview: Charlotte Boström – Swedish Chamber of Commerce
With an ongoing press tour, a new podcast, and several big projects for Swedish news media, the journalist Charlotte Boström took the time to meet Swedish Chamber Insights to discuss her debut book Waarom Zweedse vrouwen niet gratis werken (Why Swedish women don’t work for free). In the book, she pins down why Dutch women are world-famous ...
Swedish event called “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day”. On this day high school girls are invited to companies and organisations to see what it’s like to work in an engineering/technology based job and get some hands on experience. I think this is an excellent way to encourage and inspire girls to pursue a career in STEM.
News - Swedish Girls
2023 Form Magazine "Swedish Girls" Interview by Carolina Söderholm in Form Magazine