Welcome to Swing Village!
Welcome to Swing Village! Our goal is to give our users a safe, non-judgmental outlet to explore their sexuality. We are a fast growing dynamic community. The people and the site itself are constantly evolving and we hope you will be a part of that growth.
The Menu - Swing Village
This link opens Swing Village chat in a new window. Chat Users. This shows you who is currently in SV Chat. Pictures. This link shows you who has posted new pictures, updated their profiles and other things. Online. This window shows who is currently online. Top Viewed. This link takes you to the most viewed profiles this week on Swing Village ...
Home Page [www.swingvillage.com]
Home Page. This page has a great deal of information on it about what is happening in Swing Village. You can see new profiles, a Feature Profile, the most recent Forum post, your Secret Admirers, Who's Looking At You, What's New (a list of the most recent changes to the site), Private Lists you are on, the latest Blogs, events near you from the Forum and the Calendar, the number of people in ...