Han Swolo Feedback Thread - Page 3 - AnabolicMinds.com
2021年1月5日 · So I have been using Swolo for a few weeks now. I am on blood pressure medication and have been tracking changes in BP with the use of Swolo. Initially, I ran into some serious "rebound" issues in the evening. I take my BP meds at night and the swolo is taken mid-morning pre-workout. This gives a solid 12 hours between items.
Han Swolo Feedback Thread - AnabolicMinds.com
2020年9月16日 · 1 capsule Han Swolo Intra-wo was 1.5sc Purple Wraath, 1/4 tsp Morton's Lite, and 20g Gatorade powder All are staples to my workouts, the only change was taking Han Swolo in place of 12g bulk citrulline malate. This single cap product rivaled a bigass (and bitter ) serving of citmal. It was a John Meadow's "pump" pull day and my lats are inflated.
Rocket's Road Map To Vascularity with Han Swolo
2020年9月27日 · Han Swolo Log Day 1 Body Weight 179lbs 3:15am Out of bed, get on AM Forum, Check Emails 3:45am Drink Stim Pre-Work Out - 1/4 teaspoon Pink Himalyan Salt - (1) Cap Han Swolo 4:05am Down The Step To The Gym Body Weight Pull Ups - 3 set 8,10,12 - Superset with Cable Curls 20X20 - 30X20 - 40X16 - 50X15 - 60X12
HAN SWOLO FAQ- - AnabolicMinds.com
2020年9月6日 · HAN SWOLO QUICK REFERENCE Vasodilation Anti inflammatory Prevents oxidative stress Prevents muscle atrophy Reduces blood glucose Reduces bodyfat Increases insulin sensitivity Increases energy output LIGUSTRAZINE PHOSPHATE Ligustrazine is a natural compound isolated from Chinese herbal medicine Ligusticum wallichii (Chuan Xiong), which has been extensively used for medicinal purpose for more ...
HAN SWOLO FAQ- - AnabolicMinds.com
2020年9月6日 · Of course. I am really terrible about running threads off their rails ....And that's perfectly okay :)
Han Swolo Feedback Thread - Page 2 - AnabolicMinds.com
2020年10月5日 · Made this thread to collect feedback from personal experiences. If you have used Han Swolo, let us know how you like it! Invalid Link Removed Already priced great, but RYAN15 will get you a further discount.
Rocket's Road Map To Vascularity with Han Swolo
2020年10月11日 · Thank you @brundel & Black Lion Research for the opportunity to run this log. I will be running Black Lion Research's Han Swolo as per label directions for 30 days, (1) Capsules daily. I will experiment a bit with taking them fasted or with meals. A little info on me I am 62 years old...
HAN SWOLO FAQ- - AnabolicMinds.com
2021年10月8日 · I have not It's amazing for vasodilation. And I get energized from it.
Major Pump Alert: New Supplement Incoming! - AnabolicMinds.com
2021年1月15日 · Official Strong Supplement Shop Board Rep Visit Strong Supplements Here Join Us In The Pursuit of Strength - Stay Strong!
New Black Lion Research no stim pump product HAN SWOLO!
2020年9月7日 · Menu. Home. Forums