hodnota nemovitostí, které jsou již spravovány v aplikaci SWORP. Zjednodušte svou správu nemovitostí pomocí snadné účetní evidence, online plateb, automatických upomínek, správy úkolů, poznámek a dalších funkcí s naším všestranným softwarovým řešením. Získejte obchodní prostor v dostupné lokalitě v Praze.
Home – SWORP
Streamline your property management through easy accounting, online payment, automated reminders, task management, notes and more with our all-in-one software. Get a business space in a prime location of Prague with state-of-the-art facilities, our commercial complex offers a diverse range of spaces tailored to suit businesses of all sizes.
Welcome to TN-ELAP! - TN-ELAP.org
TN-ELAP is a web application developed by the University of Tennessee College of Social Work Office of Research and Public Service (UT SWORPS) for the Tennessee Department of …
Rent aplikace – SWORP
Vytvořte digitální dvojče vaší nemovitosti a díky aktuálnímu vhledu do servisní knížky ušetříte čas a celou správu si tím usnadníte. Nabízíme vám všestranné softwarové řešení, které pokrývá vše od účetnictví až po poznámky. Praktický souhrn přímo na přehledu, abyste věděli již na první pohled, co se děje v pozadí.
Sworp - LinkedIn
We are Sworp and we are here to shake things up in the real estate space with innovation and automation. Real estate solutions from Sworp include Sworp Rent (a rental management software),...
SWORP Places
Browse listings, find prime locations, and buy effortlessly with our app. Effortlessly rent an ideal property. List quickly, reach tenants, and manage seamlessly with our user-friendly app. With …
Southwest Oregon Research Project (SWORP) Collection
The Southwest Oregon Research Project (SWORP) Collection consists mainly of photocopies of widely scattered and overlooked original documents pertaining to the history of the Native peoples of greater Oregon. The collection dates primarily from the 1850s to 1920, though a few documents are from as recent as the 1950s.
Social Work Office of Research & Public Service
We are SWORPS (Social Work Office of Research and Public Service), the community outreach arm of the College of Social Work at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Since 1975, …
About us – SWORP
Digitization of property management to ensure passive income for owners, increase property value, and reduce operational costs. The SWORP Rent application creates a digital twin of the managed property and maintains its service log, ensuring a 100% real-time overview and thereby increasing the investment value.