jsfxr - 8 bit sound maker and online sfx generator
Jsfxr is an online 8 bit sound maker and sfx generator. All you need to make retro sound effects with jsfxr is a web browser. It's a JavaScript port of the original sfxr by DrPetter. You can also …
sfxr Download Free (Windows) - Softpedia
2010年6月17日 · Taking everything into consideration, we can say that sfxr is a powerful, lightweight, and fast sound effects generator, you can use on the go. Built-in generators allow you to quickly create...
DrPetter's homepage - sfxr
2012年9月14日 · Basic usage involves hitting the randomize button (or one of the other buttons to your left if you need a specific standard sound), listen to the generated sound, then deciding if it sounds ok or not. If it does, then export it to .WAV and you're done, if not - just hit the button again and get something different.
Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games.
Bfxr is an elaboration of the glorious Sfxr, the program of choice for many people looking to make sound effects for computer games. Bfxr has moved in the direction of increased complexity and range of expression. All the buttons that you know and …
sfxr - Game Making Tools Wiki
2025年3月12日 · sfxr is a tidy little sound effect generator, made by Tomas Pettersson (AKA: DrPetter). Versions of SFXR ported to different platforms, and/or with additional features …
GitHub - chr15m/jsfxr: JavaScript sound effects generator.
You can use the jsxfr library to generate and play sounds in your JavaScript game code. Install it: Require it: See API below for usage examples. Include the scripts in your page: You can then directly use the sfxr namespace without requiring it. Generate a sound effect using a preset algorithm and play it using webaudio API.
Sound Play. To save the sound, right- or control-click the following link, select "Save As..." and choose a name with a ".wav" extension. sfx.wav
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[软件推荐]音效制作工具 LabChirp - 哔哩哔哩
LabChirp是一个免费的制作各种用途 (游戏、动画、视频等)的音效的工具。 和sfxr、bfxr等类似但是界面更加友好,个人来说更爱用这个。
【Unity】游戏音效制作工具 - CSDN博客
2022年10月28日 · 这款3D横版格斗 游戏 的完整源码是 Unity 开发者的宝贵学习资源,它包含了 游戏 设计、编程、美术、 音效 等全方位的实现细节。 首先,源码的学习能够帮助开发者深入理解 Unity游戏 开发流程。 在3D横版格斗 游戏 中,源码会涵盖... bfxr:快速创建 游戏音效 的 工具 去发现同类优质开源项目:https://gitcode.com/ 是一个简单易用的 工具,用于创建 8 位风格的 游戏音效。 它是一个基于 Web 的应用程序,无需下载安装即可使用。 项目简介 bfxr 提供了一个直 …
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