SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v3.01 - nfg.forums
2023年6月16日 · all SxSI and SCSI machines, with games and software that just works "Out of the box." Some features of this HDD Image: - Patched HUMAN.SYS by HUYE - allows for proper drive mapping - Bootable on SxSI and SCSI X68000 machines - Bootable on X68000 machines with faulty floppy drives - Added new game installations of my own.
x68000:installing_scsi2sd_on_x68000_externally - GameSX
scsi2sd-util is an application to configure your SCSI2SD USB attached device. Download it from the folder corresponding to your OS (windows/64bit/scsi2sd-util.exe for Windows, mac/scsi2sd-util.dmg for Apple OSX) from the File menu select “Upgrade Firmware…”
GUIDE: Installing SCSI2SD on SASI X68000 systems EXTERNALLY
2017年12月23日 · GUIDE: Installing SCSI2SD on SASI X68000 systems EXTERNALLY .. The following information is correct as of December 2017. Keep in mind that my setup is unique to me and might not work for you. My goal here is to have a working external solution as I have multiple X68K and would be easier to move the device between them.
2024年11月10日 · FAST10 (10MB/s) synchronous transfer. * Regulated 5V via optional DC barrel jack.
SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v3.01 - Page 2 - nfg.forums
2023年6月16日 · I didn't see it in the list, but this is a really fun doujin fighting game called 2 vs 2 VS Memorial. It seems to run best on a 12 or 16mhz model as it runs slightly slow on my 10mhz model. It's really easy to set up for HDD install and has instructions for it.
sxsi で必要なことは、パリティ発生回路を本体の sasi バスと scsi 機器の間に挟むことです。 パリティ発生回路は sxsi のマニュアルなんかに書いてある通り、 ttl ic 3個程度と趣味の電子工作レベルで出来ます。
x68000:hard_drive_on_sasi_machine - GameSX
2023年7月4日 · SCSI2SD is an open hardware and open source project by codesrc designs. It features a Micro-SD card slot, is firmware updatable and configurable over USB, costs considerably less than STRATOS CF AztecMonster and is compatible with X68000. Make sure to update it to the latest firmware if you want to use it with SASI bus.
SCSI - Wikipedia
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI, / ˈskʌzi / SKUZ-ee) [2] is a set of standards for physically connecting and transferring data between computers and peripheral devices, best known for its use with storage devices such as hard disk drives.
常见硬盘接口技术:从IDE、SCSI到SATA、SAS再到M.2、PCIe_老 …
2022年6月3日 · SCSI全称为小型 计算机系统 接口。 最早于1986年提出的SCSI Ⅰ最大传输速率为5MB/s,支持7个设备。 后来的SCSI Ⅱ规定了两种提高速率的选择: 提高速度的选择是传输频率提高一倍的同时也增大数据通路的宽度,由8位增至16位。 即Wide SCSI,其最大同步传输速度为20MB/s (时钟频率为10MHz,1996年,最大支持15个设备)。 大概在1995年左右出现了第三代SCSI,SCSI有太多的型号,这里就不一一介绍了,感兴趣的同学可以下去查阅以下。 SCSI-3 …
GUIDE: Installing SCSI2SD on SCSI-2 X68000 systems EXTERNALLY …
2017年12月30日 · Pro II is SASI, so yes SxSI driver install from floppy disk is required. Only the Super, XVI, XVI Compact, X68030, and X68030 Compact use actual SCSI.