Sylvia Nasar - Wikipedia
Sylvia Nasar (born 17 August 1947) is an American journalist. She is best known for her biographical book of John Forbes Nash Jr., A Beautiful Mind, for which she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography. Nasar is Knight Professor Emerita at Columbia University's School of Journalism. [1]
西尔维亚·娜萨 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西尔维亚·娜萨(英語: Sylvia Nasar ,1947年8月17日 — )是一位美籍德裔传记作家和记者,现为哥伦比亚大学 新闻学院教授,主要作品有《推手:改变世界的经济学天才》(Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius)、《美丽心灵:纳什传》(A Beautiful Mind)等,获得过 ...
Sylvia Nasar | Columbia Journalism School
Professor Nasar is the author of the bestselling biography, "A Beautiful Mind," which has been published in 30 languages, including Farsi, Turkish, Russian and Hindi, and inspired the Academy Award-winning movie directed by Ron Howard (2001).
西尔维娅·娜萨《普林斯顿的幽灵---纳什传》 书中所得10 - 知乎
西尔维娅·娜萨 (Sylvia Nasar),曾任《财富》杂志和《美国新闻与世界报道》记者,现任《纽约时报》经济记者,本书是她的处女作。 西尔维娅·娜萨1991-1999年任《纽约时报》经济记者,1999-2000年为 普林斯顿大学 访问学者,2000年为 剑桥大学 金斯学院和丘吉尔学院访问研究员,2001年起任哥伦比业大学新闻学院商务新闻奈特教授。 在这本感人至深的生动传记中,西尔维娅·娜萨逼真地再现了一个数学天才的一生。 他的生涯被精神分裂症所打断,但是在经受30年 …
美丽心灵 - 豆瓣读书
西尔维娅·娜萨(Sylvia Nasar),1983—1989年为《财富》杂志作家,1990年为《美国新闻与世界报道》专栏作家,1991—1999年任《纽约时报》经济记者,1999—2000年为普林斯顿大学访问学者,2000年为剑桥大学金斯学院和丘吉尔学院访问研究员,2001年起任哥伦比亚大学 ...
介绍一下西尔维娅·娜萨 这个作家 - 百度知道
2015年9月16日 · 西尔维娅·娜萨(Sylvia Nasar): 《财富》杂志作家,《美国新闻与世界报道》专栏作家,《纽约时报》经济记者,普林斯顿大学访问学者,剑桥大学金斯学院和丘吉尔学院访问研究员,现为哥伦比亚大学新闻学院商务新闻奈特教授。
Sylvia Nasar (Author of A Beautiful Mind) - Goodreads
Sylvia Nasar was born to a German mother and Uzbek father. Her family immigrated to the United States in 1951, then moved to Ankara, Turkey in 1960. She graduated from Antioch College in 1970, and earned a masters' degree in economics at New York University in 1976. For four years, she did research with Nobel Laureate Wassily Leontief.
A Brief Biography of Sylvia Nasar - aimath.org
A #1 New York Times best-seller, Nasar's biography of mathematical genius John Nash inspired the Academy Award-winning movie directed by Ron Howard and was honored, along with Akiva Goldsman's screenplay, with the 2002 Scripter Award.
Sylvia Nasar - American Academy in Berlin
Sylvia Nasar is the first James S. and John L. Knight Professor of Business Journalism at Columbia University, where she co-directs the MA program in business journalism. Nasar was raised in Germany and Turkey, studied literature at Antioch College (BA, 1970), economics at New York University (MA, 1976), and has been awarded honorary doctorates ...
Sylvia Nasar – John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation…
Professor Nasar is the author of the bestselling biography A Beautiful Mind, which has been published in thirty languages, including Farsi, Turkish, Russian and Hindi, and inspired the Academy Award–winning movie directed by Ron Howard (2001). Her most recent book is Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius (2011).