SymPy Logo - SymPy 1.13.3 documentation
SymPy Logo¶ We would like to make it easy for you to include the SymPy project identity in your next academic paper, course materials, or presentation. The above image logo is an SVG version of the logo.
SymPy 徽标 - SymPy 1.13.2 文档 - SymPy 文档
如果您想自己生成 SymPy 的官方徽标集,您可以在先 安装所需的依赖项,然后运行. 这将使用您本地 SymPy 副本中的 sympy.svg 文件生成徽标。 还有一个 sympy/doc/generate_logos.py 脚本,它允许在生成徽标时使用更多选项。 所有徽标的许可证与 SymPy 相同:BSD。 有关更多信息,请参见 LICENSE 文件。
File:Sympy logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons - Wikipedia
2024年8月26日 · SymPy Logo, with tail. I created this logo and permit its free use on the same terms as the rest of Sympy's code and documentation. Fredrik Johansson.
sympy/doc/src/logo/sympy.svg at master - GitHub
A computer algebra system written in pure Python. Contribute to sympy/sympy development by creating an account on GitHub.
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python. Get started with the tutorial Download Now
File:Sympy-160px.png - Wikimedia Commons
2013年4月28日 · English: SymPy logo, I created this logo and permit its free use on the same terms as the rest of Sympy's code and documentation. SymPy is BSD, so this logo can be used under the terms of the BSD license.
SymPy Logo, with tail. - GitHub
{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"doc/src/logo":{"items":[{"name":"info.txt","path":"doc/src/logo/info.txt","contentType":"file"},{"name":"sympy ...
SymPy Logo, with no tail, no text - GitHub
"," I created this logo and permit its free use on the same terms as the rest of Sympy's code and documentation.","","Fredrik Johansson"," ","","This file is ...
Category : SymPy - Wikimedia
Media in category "SymPy" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Initializing SymPy Display in a Jupyter Notebook Using VSCode.png 3,129 × 1,228; 156 KB
File:Sympy logo.svg - Wikipedia
English: Sympy logo. Sympy is a Python library for symbolic computation. Español: Logo de Sympy. Sympy es una biblioteca de Python para cálculos simbólicos. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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