python - Using Sympy Equations for Plotting - Stack Overflow
2016年2月15日 · You can use numpy.linspace() to create the values of the x axis (x_vals in the code below) and lambdify().. from sympy import symbols from numpy import linspace from sympy import lambdify import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl t = symbols('t') x = 0.05*t + 0.2/((t - 5)**2 + 2) lam_x = lambdify(t, x, modules=['numpy']) x_vals = linspace(0, 10, 100) y_vals = lam_x(x_vals) mpl.plot(x_vals, y_vals) mpl ...
In sympy plotting, how can I get a plot with a fixed aspect ratio?
If I plot a circle with this snippet. from sympy import * x, y = symbols('x y') p1 = plot_implicit(Eq(x**2 +y**2, 1),aspect_ratio=(1.,1.)) I will get a figure window like this one. Now the aspect ratio is not what I was expecting because I see an ellipse instead of a circle.
Sympy: generate figure with multiple subplots - Stack Overflow
So just use sympy.plotting.plot for evaluation and do the fancy subplot transformations in matplotlib. Using the sympy plotting module has other advantages over hackish solutions: detection of discontinuities and adaptive sampling, coloring depending on a function, evaluation of pathologically complicated symbolic expressions (although slow).
python - How To Graph Points With Sympy? - Stack Overflow
2018年11月15日 · In order to use Sympy to define critical points in this case, and to plot the results in matplotlib.pyplot, the sympy.utilities.lambdify method can be used to generate lists of points to graph in mathplotlib (Following post by user6655984).
python 3.x - Plotting Vectors with Sympy - Stack Overflow
2023年1月11日 · Is it possible to plot a vector created with the new sympy.vector? from sympy import Matrix from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D # Create the coordinate system C = CoordSys3D('C') v1 = 2*C.i + 3*C.j
matplotlib - plotting sympy results in python - Stack Overflow
2015年5月8日 · Yes, I agree with you that your answer allows to plot whatever function we want. The linked answer improves your answer. You can first do whatever calculation you want to do in sympy,then import your functions to numpy using lambdify and finally plot it using matplotlib. detailed example –
Sympy plotting in the jupyter notebook with inline backend
2018年3月16日 · import sympy imports a good deal of names from Sympy sub-modules, sympy.plot is sympy.plotting.plot value is True, yes I mean sympy.plotting.plot. sympy.plotting.plot(...) returns an object of type sympy.plotting.Plot that, in the body of my question, is referred as plot. –
How to customize and add extra elements to Sympy plots?
The Sympy Plot objects have append and extend methods that allows add a Plot object to other, but this don't work (at least for me and using Jupyter). Another option is use only Matplotlib:
How to plot x==2.5 (vertical line) with sympy - Stack Overflow
2014年6月10日 · It was quite easy for first three, but now I need to plot x2 == 2.5(vertical line where x2 == 2.5) and cannot get an idea how to do this. May be sympy is not best solution here? Any other ideas for python?
sympy - plot two implicit functions with plot_implicit - Stack …
2020年12月4日 · Is it possible to plot two implicit functions on the same canvas with sympys plot_implicit function? E.g. have both lines from the two plots in the example be shown on one canvas. from sympy import...