SYN-AKE® - dsm-firmenich.com
SYN-AKE® enables the face to relax, reducing wrinkles but without losing the ability to help people express themselves. It’s fast acting, long lasting and fully reversible. New studies have now confirmed that when used earlier in time, SYN-AKE® helps delaying the appearance of wrinkles, with age-freezing effects.
How Does Syn-ake Work? - The Dermatology Review - The Derm …
2022年12月27日 · What Is Syn-ake? Syn-ake is a patented anti-aging ingredient developed by the Swedish company, Pentapharm Ltd, designed to mimic the action of snake venom. It is designed to work on relaxing the muscles in the face to …
科普 | 蛇毒肽:成分界的"新晋网红" - 知乎专栏
Syn-ake是一种抗皱三肽,它是由瑞士化学公司Pentapharm Ltd创建的。 据报道,它们也是世界上最大的蛇繁殖者和饲养者。 当时科学家发现蛇毒具有麻痹神经的效果,于是在提取蛇毒的基础上,通…
SYN-AKE - 百度百科
SYN-AKE是一种合成三肽衍生物和一种新的蛇毒类似活性化合物,为肌肉烟碱 乙酰胆碱受体 (nmAChR)拮抗剂。 类 蛇毒 血清蛋白 /合成 蝮蛇 蛇毒等。 通过抑制 肌肉收缩 而减少皱纹的产生。 [1] SYN-AKE能够2小时减少 肌肉收缩 82%,一个月的短期体内试验中证实具有优秀的光滑肌肤、迅速 祛皱 和瘦脸性能。 1. 使用前可将其擦拭于手肘内侧,测试皮肤有无敏感反应后,再使用于脸部肌肤。 2. 若使用时有以下症状,请停止使用,并咨询 皮肤科 医师意见: ‧使用时出现 …
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SYN®-AKE: Reduces all wrinkle aspects of crow’s feet. Effect of SYN ® -AKE (4%) on smoothing (Ra) and anti-wrinkle (Rz and Rt) measured on the crow’s feet after 28 days ,
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SYN -Peptides - DSM
SYN®-AKE is a small molecular weight synthetic peptide that smoothens expression lines by topical application. SYN®-AKE has a natural inspired mechanism. It mimics the activity of Waglerin-1, a natural occurring peptide found in temple viper …
2023年2月24日 · 其結構與毒蛇的神經毒結構相似,因此被稱為syn®-ake毒蛇三胜肽。 毒蛇三胜肽有什麼效果呢? 我們肌膚的表情是由無數無數的神經肌肉來控制,無論是大笑、打哈欠、皺眉、嘟嘴等,都需要神經肌肉的牽引,才有辦法擁有表情。
(类)蛇毒肽-SYN-AKE能抚平皱纹吗? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Syn-ake会做什么? 根据公司文献,Syn-ake的作用类似于蛇毒中的肽。 据研究,它会阻止 乙酰胆碱 与乙酰胆碱受体相结合,并保持肌肉放松,来达到抚平皱纹的效果。
SYN-AKE:概述,定義,別稱,作用原理,效果,不良反應,副作用,注意事項, …
SYN-AKE是一種合成三肽衍生物和一種新的蛇毒類似活性化合物,為肌肉菸鹼 乙醯膽鹼受體 (nmAChR)拮抗劑。 類 蛇毒 血清蛋白 /合成 蝮蛇 蛇毒等。 通過抑制 肌肉收縮 而減少皺紋的產生。 SYN-AKE能夠2小時減少 肌肉收縮 82%,一個月的短期體內試驗中證實具有優秀的光滑肌膚、迅速 祛皺 和瘦臉性能。 1. 使用前可將其擦拭於手肘內側,測試皮膚有無敏感反應後,再使用於臉部肌膚。 2. 若使用時有以下症狀,請停止使用,並諮詢 皮膚科 醫師意見: ‧使用時出現紅 …
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SYN®-AKE is a small, patented, synthetic peptide that helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and laughter lines – fast. As our skin gets older, the number of expression and laughter lines increases, along with crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. SYN®-AKE enables the face to relax. It visibly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.
SYN®-AKE by dsm-firmenich Beauty & Care - Personal Care
SYN®-AKE is a small peptide that works synergistically with skin's own processes to helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and laughter lines – fast. SYN®-AKE enables the face to relax, reducing wrinkles but without losing the ability to help people express themselves.
Syn-Ake | Wrinkle Smoothing Cream - Skin Perfection Natural and …
Syn®-Ake is an anti-aging peptide that smooths and tightens the skin, targets the forehead, vertical marionette lines, and firming facial features. INGREDIENTS MATTER. Inspired by wrinkle-smoothing treatments that smooth frown lines, the 11's, and vertical wrinkles.
Anti-aging activity of Syn-Ake peptide by in silico approaches and …
2023年6月23日 · This study aims to investigate the possible interactions of Syn-Ake, a synthetic peptide, with matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which are the targets of anti-aging activities with in silico approaches, and to determine the antioxidant activity, and safety profile of the peptide by in vitro methods such as cytotoxicity ...
Skin Perfection Syn-AKE Face Serum for Women - Tri Peptide …
Syn-Ake is a smoothing peptide that promotes smoother-looking complexions. SYN-AKE is based on the Waglerin-1 function of the temple viper venom, relaxing facial muscles. The muscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (mnAChR) blocks the uptake of Na+, a sodium ion.
Syn-Ake (Waglerin-1 - a snake venom) | Botox alternative …
Syn-Ake - is a cutting-edge wrinkle treatment, thanks to a remodeled synthetic tripeptide, derived initially from snake (Temple Viper) venom, Waglerin-1. Mimicking the effect of Waglerin-1, this peptide relaxes muscle movement by temporarily immobilizing facial contractions that cause facial lines and wrinkles.
SYN®-AKE - Reviva Labs
SYN®-AKE is a peptide that mimics the peptide found in temple pit viper venom. It’s been shown to help relax muscle contractions, specifically those of repetitive facial expressions that over time can lead to furrows and wrinkles.
二肽二氨基丁酰苄基酰胺二乙酸盐是什么?蛇毒肽SYN-AKE有何关 …
1. SYN-AKE helps reduce wrinkles and laughter lines. 2. Age-defying products particularly effective against expression lines. 3. Intensive wrinkle-smoothing products
Syn-Ake - Lotioncrafter
Syn®-Ake is an anti-wrinkle active compound based on a synthetic tripeptide that mimics the effect of Waglerin 1, a peptide that is found in the venom of the Temple Viper, Tropidolaemus wagleri. The Syn®-Ake peptide acts by reducing muscle cell contraction, smoothing mimic wrinkles in a short period, and is reversible.
(PDF) Anti-aging activity of Syn-Ake peptide by in ... - ResearchGate
2023年6月22日 · This study aims to investigate the possible interactions of Syn-Ake, a synthetic peptide, with matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which are the targets of anti-aging ...
What is Syn-Ake and How Does it Work? | Skin Care Watchdog
2014年5月31日 · Syn-Ake is the beauty ingredient in anti-ageing products that has just landed on the High street shelves. Previously it had only been kept in beauty salons and used in high end procedures under high end prices, but now it has come …
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