Synkie XU - Senior Project Officer - The Hong Kong Policy …
Senior Project Officer at The Hong Kong Policy Research Institute · Experience: The Hong Kong Policy Research Institute · Location: Hong Kong SAR. View Synkie XU’s profile on LinkedIn, a...
- 职位: Senior Project Officer at The …
- 位置: The Hong Kong Policy Research Institute
HKPRI - Author
我們認為,下屆特區政府應就如何進一步增強香港的國際城市地位,提出具體計劃。 我們建議可先從以下兩方面著手 : 一、確立「姊妹城市」策略; 二、增加網點推廣香港、拓展經貿和專業服務 。 2016-11-15
香港政策研究所 - 作者文章
mirdej/vmix - GitHub
The Anymix21 is a 12 channel analog video mixer based on the paradigm of classic audio mixing desks. Each channel is a complete SYNKIE by itself, sort of. It can handle anything from DC to around 10Mhz, this means you can mix CV signals with audio with PAL composite video signals.
居家安老 — 社區支援與照顧
2017年6月11日 · 本港長者的院舍入住率高達6.8%,是亞洲地區(日本、新加坡、台灣和中國內地)的2至4倍,也顯著高於澳洲、英國、加拿大和美國等西方國家(詳見研究報告中的表一)。 國際經驗指出,要達致體弱長者「居家安老」,其家庭照顧者必須得到充足的支援,讓他們具備技能、健康、資源(如收入方面)及協助(如暫託服務);對於未能得到家人充份照顧的長者來說,政府必須確保其居住的社區內有足夠的護理服務和設施,不然長者及其家人在找不到適當支援而雙 …
Xiuwei Xu
2025年3月12日 · Xiuwei Xu | 许修为. I am a fourth year Ph.D student in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Jiwen Lu . In 2021, I obtained my B.Eng. in the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University. I work on computer vision and robotics. My current research focuses on:
Fengli Xu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
C Gao, X Lan, N Li, Y Yuan, J Ding, Z Zhou, F Xu, Y Li. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-24, 2024. 84 * 2024: Context-aware real-time population estimation for metropolis. F Xu, J Feng, P Zhang, Y Li. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and ...
Synkie | Open Source Modular Analog Video Processor
The Synkie is a modular open source analog video processor, developed by Michael Egger, Max Egger and Flo Kaufmann. Like the venerable modular Moog synthesizer it lets you toy around with the signal using patch cables – but this time not producing sound but images.
Hongyi Xu - Google Scholar
D Chang, Y Shi, Q Gao, J Fu, H Xu, G Song, Q Yan, Y Zhu, X Yang, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12052, 2023. 45: 2023: Trajectory optimization for physics-based reconstruction of 3d human pose from monocular video. E Gärtner, M Andriluka, H Xu, C Sminchisescu.
Brief Bio: Xu Sun is an associate professor, PI and director of the Language Computing and Machine Learning Group of ICL in School of Computer Science, Peking University. He got Ph.D. of CS from The University of Tokyo (2010), advised by Prof. Jun'ichi Tsujii, and M.S. of CS from Peking University (2007).
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