Why is »ß« substituted with »ss« rather than »sz«?
Why SZ could (or have been) be used instead of SS. The traditional orthography encouraged the use of SZ in place of ß in words with all letters capitalized where a usual SS would produce an …
SZ 格式的加密视频怎么播放? - 知乎
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业 …
writing - How to write an "ß"? - German Language Stack Exchange
2011年7月13日 · @Bobby Using SZ must be really old style. 40 years ago I already learned to use SS instead. Just as ss is used in lower case if you don't have a ß on your ancient …
.sz格式的视频,怎么转换成mp4? - 知乎
如何评价洛谷关闭讨论区和专栏这件事? - 知乎
2025年2月8日 · 但是根据多方调查,实际原因是某些JCer发布的不正当言论,导致洛谷讨论区和国际站被制裁了,且洛谷讨论区曾经存在sz fg等言论,大管理 chen_zhe 称洛谷因此受到的罚款 …
pronunciation - Why was ß discontinued in Switzerland? - German ...
2020年2月28日 · I can think of three different reasons why ß was discontinued in Switzerland. However, I do not know which one to prefer, and there may be other explanations. That is why …
网盘里的视频以sz结尾,怎么才能打开呢? - 知乎
Use of ss or ß in a surname - German Language Stack Exchange
2015年9月14日 · People with an ß in their name who emigrated from a German speaking country to an English speaking country changed their name in the manner that the ß either became sz …
. sz的视频格式用什么软件可以打开看? - 知乎
2020年11月11日 · 视频转换器一:Aconvert转换网站. 在电脑网页上搜索【Aconvert在线转换】,找到它点击进入网页,接着按照如下步骤进行操作:
羽毛球拍什么穿线法最好? - 知乎
最简洁高效的方法是穿线猪老师从张人穿法那里演变过来的sz法。 理论上,打结的位置会导致掉磅,从而打结越多,掉磅的诱因也更多,所以两结的SZ法掉磅会更少。