SZRR - Incolmotos Yamaha
Este motor de 4 tiempos SOHC, refrigerado por aire, proporciona una potencia máxima de 11.9 Hp a 7500 rpm y un torque de 12.8 Nm a 6000 rpm, asegurando un equilibrio entre rendimiento y eficiencia de combustible.
2023年10月24日 · 雅马哈SZ 150作为一款入门级街车,不仅拥有流线型的外观,更具备出色的性能和可靠性。 其外观造型采用家族式车头设计,侧面线条使整车充满张力。 前大灯采用经典卤素大灯,而尾灯则延续了当家跑车R6的设计风格,犀利动感。 动力方面,SZ 150搭载单缸风冷4冲程蓝心发动机,实际排量150CC,匹配5挡变速,链条传动。 最大功率11.9匹,最大扭矩12.8牛米,让你轻松驾驭城市街道。 座高795毫米,油箱容积14升,整备质量128公斤,百公里油耗 …
SZRR – Yamamotos
Con la nueva tecnología en motores Yamaha, mejor eficiencia de combustible, nuevo diseño de tablero y los comandos del manubrio característicos de otros modelos como la FZ, la SZ-RR se convierte en un modelo completo que satisface todas tus necesidades.
Yamaha SZ 150cc Photos, Details, Price and Specifications
2010年9月6日 · Contrary to the target audience of FZ, SZ targets the entry level 150cc crowd, premium 125/135cc crowd and youngsters who want an uber cool looking bike at an affordable price.
Yamaha SZ | Price | Review | Specification - ManilaMotor
2023年6月12日 · Explore Yamaha SZ Price in Philippines, as well as latest offer, specifications, installment, current images and availability in Philippines.
SZ 150 || Tu nueva moto aquí - YAMAHA Nic
La nueva YAMAHA SZ-150 llega con un nuevo concepto de desarrollo. Su motor cuenta con la tecnología Blue Core que le permite tener mayor eficiencia de combustible y una relación amigable con el medio ambiente.
2022 Yamaha SZ specifications and pictures - Bikez
The 2022 Yamaha SZ and all other motorcycles made 1894-2025. Specifications. Pictures. Discussions.
Yamaha SZ RR Price in Nepal (March 2025 Updated)
6 天之前 · Yamaha SZ-RR is a 150cc bike currently available in Nepal at a budget-friendly price. MAW Enterprises, the authorized distributor of Yamaha bikes in Nepal, still offers the 150cc machine across its showroom for the Nepali market. Yamaha SZ RR v2 introduces a new dimension! It is powerful, stylish, and, importantly, budget-friendly commuter.
Yamaha SZ-R 150 - Motorcycle Specifications
Yamaha SZ R is a commuter oriented bike with sports intentions. The bike is equipped with torquei 153cc 4-stroke engine, which is all blacked out coupled with black alloy wheels and black exhaust muffler. The 2011 model comes with a disc brake version, a feature that has been strongly demanded by Indian motorcyclists for some time now.
SZ 150 - Unique Motor Center
In contrast to the FZ target group, the SZ is aimed at entry-level he 150cc, premium 125/135cc classes and youngsters looking for a very cool looking bike at an affordable price. Considering Yamaha launched the SZ, which is based on the existing FZ 153cc engine that was unveiled for the first time at Auto Expo.